five - samhain, ghosts, and a wild night out!

45 5 3

"i took a little journey to the unknown,
and i come back changed, i can feel it in my bones,
i fucked with forces that our eyes can't see,
now the darkness got a hold on me"

"i took a little journey to the unknown,and i come back changed, i can feel it in my bones,i fucked with forces that our eyes can't see,now the darkness got a hold on me"

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By the time Jem Moody had managed to wrestle his way out from under Cassian's iron grip the number of students crammed into the Slytherin common room had doubled. Yet no matter how hard he strained his eyes, or tuned out his friend's garbled mumbles of despair, he still couldn't find the only person he was bothering to look for. The only familiar head in a crowd of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors was a mop of bright green hair.

"I need to talk to Hope for a second, Cass," he said tentatively. "Look, Krum's right there on the armchair!"

Cassian sighed and threw his head back, bottle of firewhiskey threatening to smash against the fireplace he was leaning on.

"Fucking Hope," he slurred. "I want to talk to Hope but every time I turn around he's there!"

Jem raised a brow and turned to squint at the tall Hufflepuff at Hope's side. Even he couldn't deny that Cedric Diggory was most certainly a sight for sore eyes - but he wasn't about to tell Cassian that.

"You know what," he said. "He's not even that pretty, Cass. In fact, I reckon your eyes are a hell of a lot nicer than his."

Cassian looked up at him with a hint of newfound excitement in his eyes. "You think so?"

"'Course. And you know what - he's not friends with the greatest international Quidditch player of our generation either, is he?"

Cassian turned to stare at where Viktor Krum was sulking on an armchair. "I suppose. He looks a little glum, doesn't he? Maybe someone's broken his heart too."

Jem grimaced and abandoned Cassian on an armchair right next to the Bulgarian seeker, an unspoken apology in his eyes as his friend began to instantly prattle on about the inefficacy of the episkey spell - for how was it of any use to anyone if it was incapable of fixing broken hearts?

"Hope," Jem shouted, making his way through the crowd of Hufflepuffs. His god sister stood between her new beau and the pair of Weasley twins Jem honestly still struggled to differentiate. "Weasley, Weasley, Diggory."

Cedric offered him an amicable nod and a fresh bottle of butterbeer which Jem accepted out of nothing but exhaustion. He twisted the cap off with his teeth, and within seconds, half the bottle was gone.

"Woah there," one of the twins - maybe George - grinned. "Easy there, Jem - you're looking a little, well- "

"Moody," the other twin - maybe Fred - finished.

Jem stared blankly at the pair and finished the other half of his bottle, tossing it into the fireplace. Cedric shrugged and instantly offered him another bottle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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