𝖎. 𝖆 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗!

140 14 37

☄. *. ⋆chapter one. *. ⋆࿐
a night to remember ...*:・*
:・for all the wrong reasons!
•°. *࿐

"what if the world dies with the sunrise?
baby it's all right we'll be up all night
what if we're unmade when the stars fade?
keep me going 'til the night turns into the day"

"what if the world dies with the sunrise?baby it's all right we'll be up all nightwhat if we're unmade when the stars fade?keep me going 'til the night turns into the day"

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"Jem, there was absolutely no fucking reason for you to buy this death-trap!"

Hope yelped as the rusty old fiat panda careened over yet another pothole in the country lane. When Jem had offered to provide transportation to the World Cup, Hope had agreed, expecting a portkey or broomsticks or even a magic fucking carpet! What she'd not been expecting was for her idiotic godbrother to suddenly decide he wanted to become a muggle.

"The brochure said to try to blend in, Hope!" Jem took a hand off the wheel to chuck the dog-eared brochure at her. "And I only got my license last month - I don't want to get out of practice already."

Hope cast her eyes to the roof of the car, sending a quick prayer up to anyone that would listen. "Merlin be good! Please let me see Krum play before I die - you can kill me off after the game - just let me survive this one journey!"

"Don't be so dramatic! You'll put me off." Jem's laugh was cut short as the tires bounced over another bump in the dirt road. "Venus doesn't think my driving's that bad, do you Venus?"

At the lack of response, the two blondes glanced at the back seats to find Venus slumped against a window, eyes shut and mouth hanging slightly open as she slept.

"How in Merlin's name is she sleeping through this? Hey! Eyes on the road, Jem!"

Jem yelped as the World Cup brochure hit him in the side of the head. "If you'd refrain from injuring the driver, you might have a better chance of making it to the World Cup in one piece!"

Hope huffed, her hair turning dark purple as she stared at the fields of sheep they were passing at a ridiculous speed. In the distance, she could just about make out the slight shimmer on the horizon that marked the edges of the magic shielding charms that masked what lay beyond.

"Thank fuck, we're almost there," she muttered.

"There's no need to be so crass," Jem smirked, an impish eyebrow raised tauntingly. "People might start thinking you're a bit of a witch-bitch, sweet Hope."

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