Ch2 || Intrigued by them as I am

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Toga's POV

"Remember, don't kill the blond with the explosive quirk or the bird one. You're distracting everyone else and possibly killing them if you want." Dabi reminds me

"I know, I know! Now can we go!?"


"I never said-" Shigaraki starts before Dabi and I disappear into the forest.

As I'm running through the grass and trees, I see the most beautiful person I've ever seen before.

He has green hair and freckles. His skin looks red like he's bleeding or blushing. It never hurts to make it even more red.

I hop over on top of a tree branch of the tree the boy is leaning against.

"I just need to say it. Calm down Izuku. I love you. I love you too. I love you a lot. I love you so much."

Hearing the boy confess his love, even if it's mutters that I can barely hear, is amazing.

"I love you Ochako."

Ochako? Hey I remember hearing that name. Uraraka Ochako! Floaty quirk! She's the one receiving my crush's love? No fucking way!

Although I really want to cut the boy into pieces, I want this bitch he loves dead first.

I quickly hop out of the tree and start running again. I'm not sure where I'm going but it better lead me to Uraraka.

Sure enough, I see a girl with brown shoulder length hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a pink button up with her sleeves rolled up to her elbows and black shorts. She's laying on a blanket and seems peaceful.

She's... ethereal... Wait why am I here again? Why's she here? What's she doing? She doesn't look like she's asleep. Is she looking at the stars?

I look up at the sky. The stars always seem to have a calming effect on me. I'm glad to be under them with a girl that seems as intrigued by them as I am.

I walk closer to the girl, my eyes still on the stars.

"Hmm... the stars are cool heh?"

~~~TS to end of ch1~~~

The brunette jumps up but it's no use, I tackle her to the ground.

I pin her arms to the ground, holding them by both wrists with one hand so she can't use her quirk on me. Somehow I'm stronger with one hand against her two and I bring my knife down to her throat.

"Hey, do you have a crush on any boys?"

"Wh-what kind of question is that!? Let me go!"

"The kind two best friends ask each other, silly Ochako!"

"You're trying to k-kill me! We aren't friends!"

"No! I just want to cut you!"

I say that, although for some reason I can't bring myself to hurt the brunette. I love her, so why can't I? I love seeing the people I love all bloody so why can't I?

"That's not something best friends do!"

The brunette's now harsh tone causes me to snap out of my thoughts. My hands stop shaking with intensity and my grip loosens.

I hesitantly stand up. Ochako does the same. Our gazes are locked, it's fun. She looks more angry though which is kinda upsetting. I want her to be happy! She just met her best friend!

"Sorry... I won't hurt you if you think that's how 'normal' best friends are like, okay? I need to hurt someone though so this is goodbye for now Ochako."

Before she can stop me, I've started sprinting to another area. 


577 words


apologies for the short chapter!!


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