Epilogue || Now my own normal

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Toga's POV



Hey I haven't written in this diary in a bit... I ended up leaving it at the base while Ochako and I were on vacation so imma just leave some life updates!!

Ochako's parents started talking to her again recently. They still don't like her career choice or agree with her views on hero society but they still love her nonetheless.

Mei and Midoriya ended up getting married. I didn't really care but it is talked about a lot when the number one hero gets married. Ochako's happy for him and even cried tears of joy when she saw it on the news. I guess that means I kinda ship them if they make Ochako happy...

I know I got this diary to record stuff about Ochako but I wanna talk about Dabi for a minute. He told me he and Shigaraki got drunk one night, but Shigaraki was WASTED wasted. Dabi said he started rambling about something personal about an ex-lover. Apparently Dabi opened up to him about how he was going through a similar thing but he was into Shigaraki or something because he figured Shigaraki wouldn't remember the conversation BUT HE DID!! Anyways, they ended up talking more sober and now they're dating and Twice owes me money as soon as he gets back from his mission.

Y'know I actually read this diary a lot when I couldn't be with Ochako for any reason. It actually started to help me feel like most people and what is now my own normal. I'm glad.

Anyways, that's about all that's happened!! I'll write in you again some day my diary. And by that I mean tomorrow teehee



274 words


The end!! I hope you guys enjoyed!! :)

This is either my favorite fanfiction I've written or my least favorite... idk... anyways I'm gonna make a lawlight fanfiction sometime soon, I hope you guys consider reading it when I'm done with it!! :D

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