Ch4 || With you, my dearest Ochako

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Toga's POV

~~~TS to next morning~~~

"You seem happy." Dabi points out.

"Cause I am~" I coo.

"What happened last night? Did you get blood from that brunette hero girl you kept going on about?"

"No, but I'm happy."

Dabi sighs and ruffles my hair.

"Well I guess if you're happy that's good."

I finish eating my donut and head back to my room.

I have a diary talking about violent encounters I have with people I love. I bought a new one though, to write about Ochako in.

I grab a pen and flip to the first page. I write 'Ochako' with one line and add two hearts near her name and put last night's date in the corner of the page.


I lied to you. I feel bad for lying but boy am I glad I did. We got to share our first kiss together. It was perfect. Well the first one was enjoyable but the second one was mind blowing. You seemed a lot more into it the second time which made me feel a lot more into it. Your lips are soft and taste like strawberry. Not the berry, but the flavoring. I actually got a strawberry frosted donut this morning when I bought this journal because it made me think about you :)

I don't know what I feel for you actually. Every time I love someone or have a crush, I want to hurt them. Everyone looks prettier when they're bleeding. I couldn't find it within myself to slice your perfectly soft skin that night we met. I don't know what to call this, I've never felt this way for anyone before. I want to keep feeling it though, with you, my dearest Ochako.



Uraraka's POV

I think I like Himiko. That's bad for a number of reasons but first and foremost, I have to talk to Deku.

"Deku, can we talk? It's... serious..."

Deku stops eating, shrugs, and walks out of the cafeteria with me.

"Deku... I... I'm sorry... I kissed someone last night..."


He seems unphased...

"Also I think I like them, can we still be friends?"

"Oh umm... yeah."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just still shaken over the whole Kota incident, but I respect your decision."

"Thank you, also umm... it's a girl. The person I kissed. I just wanted to let you know."

"Really? I didn't expect that at all but that's cool!"

The light and playful tone is back in his voice. I'm glad.

"So you aren't upset?"

"No way! If you like girls then there's really nothing I can do, plus umm... Okay don't hate me but I'm not sure if I liked you in that way or if I just kinda clinged onto you because you were the first girl I've ever talked to before..."

I chuckle.

"It's fine, I mean I did like you romantically but I also love you, but I only love you as a friend, if that makes sense..."

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