Ch7 || I think I've made up my mind

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Toga's POV

Ochako asked to go for a walk outside. We all agreed that would probably be best. Kurogiri's with her to make sure she doesn't betray us and tell UA about the base.

I sit in my room with my legs crossed and feet resting on my desk. I pull out my new diary.


You agreed to check out the base and possibly stay. You and Shigaraki got in an argument though. I don't know why you hit my arm away when I tried to hug you. I really hope you're okay. I'm glad we're officially girlfriends though.




I close my diary and kick my desk to swivel my chair so I'm facing the raven-haired boy.


"Sorry, I really thought he wouldn't snap. Even if Uraraka provoked him. Also I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"It's all water under the bridge now! You didn't do anything wrong, just Shigaraki."

"I still yelled at you. Anyways I talked to him, he said he would try better."

"Mkay! Hey wanna go to that one hero's place you were talking about and light it on fire?"

"Hell yeah."

Uraraka's POV

"I mean yeah I do want money but not if it's special treatment." I vent to Kurogiri.

"Think of it this way, we're asking a lot of you, more than anyone else in the league, you deserve some cash, plus there are the conditions Toga came up with so it's only if you really deserve it." He says.

I can tell Kurogiri is as civil as a villain could be. Just from how we've talked this evening, I know he wants peace among the league. There is a slight tension I can sense due to the fact I tried to fight Shigaraki but he's not acting on it which I appreciate.

"Y'know I heard a rumor around in my class that your guys' goal was to capture Bakugou and Tokoyami and recruit them, at the training camp attack. If that's true, would you have paid them with the same conditions if they agreed?"

"It is true, and likely not."

"See, plus they're more passionate about being a hero then me and aren't dating someone in the league so they would have had it tougher than me. It's just because I'm poor and that's your guys' way to convince me to stay."

"Well, would you like it better if we didn't pay you if you joined? I mean of course we would still house you and offer food and drinks but that's just normal perks of being in the league."

"No, of course I would rather be paid, I just thought Himiko would have more trust in me."

"She trusts you a lot. I mean she insisted that you stay at the secret base of the villains who're your school's nemesis."

"Huh... I guess you're right..."

~~~TS to nighttime~~~

"Toga's asleep so I can give you the tour of the cellar." Kurogiri says once we get back.

He leads me through a small door on the floor that's seriously unnoticeable. In the cellar, there's a long metal hallway with many doors that look like huge safes.

"All the rooms are currently owned by people. A few people in the league are out for a while on business so you can take one of their rooms for the weekend if you'd like."

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