Ch12 || You're that star

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Uraraka's POV

~~~I dont like labeling TSs in angst bc it feels like im ruining the moment and theirs angst in this chapter to so like whoops lol uhhh~~~

Today is the day I get my paycheck. I can't think of anything to use it for so I think I'll give all of it to mom and dad. I can't wait.

I walk out of the cellar to grab a glass of water since I just woke up and I'm really thirsty. Once I get my water, I walk out from behind the bar and see Kurogiri and Shigaraki watching the news. I decide to join them and sit on a stool close to the door.

"Pro hero, Eraserhead, was killed by a League Of Villains member last Sunday! The news shocked and devastated many-"

Shigaraki stands up and walks to the cellar.

"Devastated who? He only had 3 or 4 friends, only one of them he didn't try to avoid. The news is almost as bullshit as the hero system. Fuck them."

The sound of the cellar door slamming causes me to jump in my seat.

"We also have news that there is a traitor among UA who assisted in the murder of Eraserhead! She seems to have had the hero name 'Uravity'-"

I feel my phone start vibrating.

This can't be good...

"Hello, Uraraka speaking."

"Ochako. The news... please tell me our daughter isn't a v-villain..."

Mom... No. No this can't be right. No mom she... I'm... No, I was gonna visit home today. No she's just confused right? Right?

"Mom I-"

Kurogiri turns around to look at me, clearly concerned.

My vision glosses over with tears. I've never once heard my mom sound disappointed with me...

"Kiddo, please tell your dad that you didn't join the villains... or maybe you were forced into it? I know you wouldn't join them by your own will"

"Dad please just- I wasn't forced at all. Y'know I'm... I'm getting my first paycheck today, I was planning on giving it to you guys! I have good housing and food here too."

"Ochako please this joke is too far..."

"It's not... I'll cash in the check to you guys later today okay?"

"We don't want money given to you by one of them. You should know that siding with killers is wrong. I'm disappointed Ochako."

"I'm... sorry."

I bring the phone from my ear and hang up. I begin sobbing into my palms.

"Uraraka... Should I get Himiko?"

I nod, knowing if I open my mouth then it would be an unpleasant sound. I hear Kurogiri close the cellar door.

I didn't ever think they would be disappointed in me. I know I'm with an infamous group but... my own parents? The only people who've ever loved me unconditionally...

I feel a soft pair of arms wrap around me and smell the oh-so familiar scent of vanilla.

"It's gonna be okay princess... shhh, shhhhhh. I know. It's gonna be fine okay?"

Maybe not the only people...

Himiko continues whispering comforting sweet nothings to me as she rubs my back. I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in the crook of her neck.

Himiko grabs a section of my hair and plays with it in a further attempt to try and relax me.

I'm not sure when, but soon I start to feel a lot better and the thought of my parents is nothing compared to the feeling of Himiko's embrace.

~~~TS to nighttime~~~

"Hey Ochako? Do you still wanna cash them the check"

I look at Himiko who's sitting on her swivel chair with her legs propped underneath my feet at the foot of her bed. She's writing in that diary about me I remember reading a page of.

"Yeah, why?"

"I wanted to go with you."

"Should we go now?"

"Sure, well in a few minutes when I'm done with this entry."


Once Himiko's done writing, we begin to walk to the bank with the check I earned this month. I check it in to my parents and Himiko and I hold hands as we begin to walk back to the base.

"Before we get back, I wanna take you somewhere." Himiko says


Himiko and I walk some more. Eventually, we get to a patch of grass that faces a slim river.

"I thought we could stargaze to celebrate your first month with us, plus we didn't get to do anything for our one month anniversary so yeah."

"Aww Himiko! This is amazing! Oh my gosh this is such a nice clear view of the sky too!"

I hear Himiko giggle at my excitement.

The sky seems to be overflowing with stars to the point where it seems almost whiter than black. The rivers' stream is glistening with the reflection of the night's starry sky.

Himiko and I lay on our backs next to each other and look up at the stars. My arms are propped behind my head and my lips are slightly parted in awe at the night sky.

We stay like that for a few moments, just basking in the starlight and the sky's beauty.

I feel Himiko shift and put her head on my arm and press her body against the side of my own.

"I've always looked at the stars and seen their shine and beauty. I thought that was the brightest they could get but then I saw one star that stood out. It shined brighter than any other star I had ever seen. Ochako, you're that star. I love you."

I tilt my head to look back at the blond. Her voice was just above a whisper and her face looks almost fragile.

"I love you too Himiko."

The blond gives me one of her soft genuine smiles. I plant my lips on hers, planting a chaste kiss on them. When I pull away, I notice a bright glint in her eye from a star.




994 words


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