Ch5 || A deally-deal-deal

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Toga's POV

~~~TS to that evening~~~

"We need to find somewhere to spend time that's not UA or the League Of Villains hideout..." Ochako says.

"Aren't you a bit curious about where the league lives?" I question.

"Of course I am but I respect your privacy, plus they would probably all try to kill me."

"No, we're reasonable, we only kill if we have a reason... most of the time... but I don't think any of them would hurt you, except maybe Shigaraki, he's a bit of a loose canon."

"Didn't you try to kill me once?"

"Oh yeah... sorry about that... there was a reason though! We had to be distracting and killing a UA student would certainly be distracting, especially if it was one as cute as you."

"I don't know whether to be concerned or flattered."

"Flattered, sorry I'm not too god with the whole 'normal' dating thing."

"Dating? We're official?"

"I mean... I hope so, I mean we just made out at the mall and we're walking around a woodland area while holding hands..."

"Right! Yeah, sorry I just thought we would have to confirm something or whatever."

"I mean I have feelings for you and I think the same goes for you."


"Hey, you sure you're okay dating a villain?"

"Yeah, I don't see people as good or bad from their titles. I see people as good or bad from their person. Although you aren't a perfect little angel, I still think you're a good person, at least you are with me and that's all that should really matter to me."

I stop walking and Ochako does the same.

I smile at her and wrap my arms around her neck.

"Thank you, Ochako."

Ochako wraps her arms around my back.

"Of course Himiko."

~~~TS to them walking more~~~

We continue walking around a bit, until we somehow find a conveniently deserted cabin.

We decide to go in it, Ochako a bit more hesitant than me but still goes in.

"Ochako this place is perfect! There's a bedroom and a bathroom and everything! We could totally spend all our time here!"

Ochako and I look around a bit more and end up snuggling on the couch.

The brunette lays on top of me with her legs curled up and her head on top of my chest. I play with her hair and run strand of it through my fingers.

I suddenly get an amazing idea.

"Hey Ochako?"

"When we were texting, you said you were passionate about being a hero. You followed it up by saying it was mainly to get your parents money. Would you still want to be a hero if you had a lot of money?"

Ochako pauses for a moment like she's thinking.

"I mean I guess not, I'd probably just have gotten another job. I don't regret it though, I've met some great people at UA and you."

"I have an idea, what if you lived with the league, just for the weekend, then maybe you might think the people there are great people. And then maybe you could like us more and possibly end up joining us!"

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