"You're Perfect Just The Way You Are."

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This imagine along with the next 4 ones have been requested by Day_N_Nite. Enjoy!


I was chilling with Mike and his brothers. We sat on the couch as they rambled on about whatever boys talked about. I listened in silence, just enjoying their presence. 

Somehow the topic had turned from their favorite singers and actors to the types of girls they liked. My heart had dropped and I began to feel anxious once they got on to what they liked about girls physically..

"I like girls mostly on the slim side," Jackie said.

Even though none of this conversation was directed towards me, I felt a little hurt over this comment. I've always felt like I wasn't like the other girls with their nice and slim bodies. I was a little on the thicker side. And I've always struggled with excepting my body the way it was. 

The rest of the brothers chimed in and agreed with Jackie's statement.

I quietly got up and excused myself from the living room. I planned on heading to the bathroom just to clear my head. I didn't really feel like listening to them anymore.

No one noticed that I got up and they carried on with their convo. I spotted Michael looking in my direction as I disappeared down the hallway, but I bet he didn't pay much mind to it.

I close the door to their bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror.

Gosh, why are you so big Y/N?  The voices in my head jeered at me.

Other terrible remarks about my body swarmed around my head. I became so irritated with myself that a tear had escaped and rolled down my plump cheek.

I need to pull myself together. I look so dumb when I cry. 

I grab a paper towel off the sink countertop and quickly wipe my eyes so no one can tell that I've been crying. That's when I hear a knock at the door.

I panic a little and try to make it seem like nothing is wrong. 

"Y/N, are you in here?" Michael asked.

I sigh and go to open the door, putting on a cheery look to make sure he can't see my sadness.

"Oh hey Mike! I just came in here to freshen up," I smiled. 

"You alright in here?" He looked at me with big, concerned eyes.

My grasp on the door handle hardened. "What are you talking about? I'm fine." 

"Oh okay. I just..I don't know. I just felt like we made you upset or something."

"Upset over what?" I questioned to seem oblivious.

"Well you did leave the room once we started talking about girls and stuff..is that what made you upset?"

I was starting to get annoyed at this point. "Mike I'm not upset." 

I cursed at myself in my head because that came out a little too harsh. Now he knows I'm hiding something.

"Come on Y/N. It's me, it's Michael! You can tell me anything," He assured.

I turned away from the door and walked over to the mirror. I looked at myself again.

"Look at me Michael. Look at me! I-I'm so ugly!" I cried.

He followed me to the mirror blinked at me with shocked eyes. 

"I'm not pretty like other girls. I'm all big and fat." I spat. "My face is too chubby and my body is too large."

"What?? Are you kidding me? I've always thought you were beautiful!" 

S i l e n c e.

I've never turned my head so fast in all my life to look at someone. Did I just hear what he said correctly? Michael thinks I'm...beautiful?

Michael looked back at me with that iconic smile.

"What did you say?" 

Michael gently takes hold of my hands, making me face him. 

"You're perfect just the way you are."

I just stare at him, flattered. A delighted smile making its way onto my face along with a small blush.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with you Y/N. You're not too big. I think you're pretty neat just like this."

I look down and laugh. 

"Thank you...I've never had anyone compliment me like this.." 

He looks back at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "Let's go back to the fellas. Or if you don't wanna head back, we can go somewhere else."

I pondered for a moment. "Let's go outside for some fresh air."


And with that, we were on our way outside.

To anyone out there who feels like their body isn't beautiful, no matter what the shape, I want to tell you that it is

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To anyone out there who feels like their body isn't beautiful, no matter what the shape, I want to tell you that it is. You are gorgeous. Don't let anyone or even yourself tell you otherwise. I've been there before myself, but I want you to know that everything will be alright. Keep telling yourself that you are that baddie ;) ♡♡♡

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