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"Say cheese Y/N!" Michael says cheerfully.

You look up from your notebook where you were drawing your and Michael's names in a little heart and are met with your best friend's smiling face. He was also holding a camera.

"Umm," you mumble nervously as you cover your face.

"Mike, I'm gonna be honest. I don't like how I look when others take photos of me. I always look so awkward."

He removes the camera from his eye and frowns. He disliked when you said these types of things and didn't see the beauty in you as he did.

"C'monn Y/N, let me see that pretty face of yours," he encouraged.

You look down shyly and try to hold back a smile. His comment gave you a huge boost of confidence so you removed your hand from your face, but you were still reluctant. 

He giggles and walks over to you. Gently grabbing your chin so that you face him.

"Please?" He asks.

This sudden contact and the sound of his smooth, honey-like voice makes warmth spread from your cheeks to the tip of your ears. You give Michael a sheepish grin.

"There's that smile," He beams. He steps back to capture a stunning picture of you as the sunlight peeks through the trees right at the perfect time. A warm breeze gently caressing your skin as it strolls by.

 A warm breeze gently caressing your skin as it strolls by

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(Imagine yourself as the model here 🌼)


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