Standing Up For Him

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⚠️ TW ⚠️ This imagine is a little darker than my usual ones. It includes child abuse and a small amount of cursing. Read at your own risk.


I watch in horror as Joseph whips out his belt and starts beating Michael with it. He had gotten in trouble for singing a note wrong again for the 3rd time. I felt so bad. He was trying his best.

I look over at Michael's brothers. Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon just stare at the floor and ceiling. You could tell they wanted to help and felt bad for him, but all they could do was watch, fearing that if they attempted to stand up to Joseph, they would get punished as well.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't just sit here and watch as my best friend got torn up by his abusive father for trying his absolute best. He may not have hit that high note like he was supposed to, but he still sounds amazing.

However, I resisted the urge to get up and say something to that evil father of his, and stayed seated. A tiny voice in the back of my head telling me that I would get beat too, which was a possibility.

But once I noticed a single tear drip down Michael's face as he continued to get lashed, I absolutely couldn't stay silent.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I shouted.

Joseph stopped beating him.

Mike's brother looked at me.

Mike turned to me with tear-filled eyes.

Everyone's eyes staring at me...

Deep down I was afraid, real afraid. But I had to do this.

For Michael.

"Leave him alone Joseph!" I said with rage. "Can't you see he's trying his best?! He is trying! And maybe, just maybe...he could hit those high notes if you weren't sitting there with a belt in your hand! Just waiting for one of them to make a mistake."

Joseph looked furious. He was about to open his mouth and say something, but I was still going.

"Why can't you just be more supportive? I'm watching them rehearse, and they're scared! If you would only assure your sons that they're doing amazing, they wouldn't be so scared and mess up so easily!"

There was just silence. And the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Joseph let go of Michael's shirt at the neck and put him down. 

Michael was shaking, vigorously.

"Rehearsal is over," Joseph said lowly.

The boys quickly started packing up their instruments and stuff, quickly wanting to leave the room.

"And Y/N," Joseph started, "get the fuck out of my house."

I stared into his eyes with hatred and disgust and made my way to the door of the studio.

"And your parents will be getting a call."

"I can tell them what happened just fine by myself, thank you," I snapped.

Once I was no longer in anyone's sight in the house, I began to quicken my speed for the exit. Angry and fearful tears forming in my eyes.

"Y/N!" A weak voice yelled.

I stood there on their driveway as Michael ran up to me.

The two of us just standing there quietly.

"Thank you," he finally says, squeezing me in a heartfelt hug.

I felt like collapsing in a pool of my own tears as Michael's slightly shaky body held onto mine.

"I'll always be there for you Mike," I tell him, hugging him back. My voice starting to crack from the emotions welling up..

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