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Let's all take a moment to adore that picture. He's so cutee 🥺



Y/N just left to go to the bathroom. Which meansss I get to be a nosy little pest and go through their stuff!

They won't mind if they don't know, right? 


I smile to myself as my eyes fall upon a little journal.


I flip through the pages and come to a stop when I see Jermaine's name written in cursive.


And is that a little heart?

I giggle wickedly. I could use this for blackmail. I just love messing with Y/N. 

Jermaine ♡

How his eyes sparkle like the night sky,

How I wish I was old enough so he could say "be mine"

Blah blah blah more lovey-dovey stuff about Jermaine. Yuck..

Honestly, Y/N's big crush on Jermaine doesn't surprise me. I knew about this. But this right here. Oh man! I can't wait to expose them.

I flip through more of the pages and find a sketch of me.

I flip through more of the pages and find a sketch of me

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Wow! I didn't know they could draw like that. This is so good. It looks just like me!

I hear a door close and I quickly put the book back. I run to the bed and start to whistle like I wasn't do anything.

Y/N walks in the room and gives me a weird look. "Mike..what did you do?"

"Whatever do you mean my dear?" I smile innocently.

Their journal then falls to the floor off the shelf it laid on.

"What the.." We both say.

Realization began to set in and Y/N looks over at me with panicked eyes.

"Did you go through my journal?!"

"Maybe.." I smirked.

"That's private stuff! What did you see?" They squeaked as they snatched it up from the floor.

"Oh ya knoww. Just the stuff about Jermaine and that cool drawing you did of me."

"Great," They rolled her eyes. "Did you like the sketch though?"

I laughed and nodded.

Jermaine then walked up to the doorway. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Y/N's family invited us all over for dinner.

"Hi Jermaine," Y/N smiled. I laughed at how dumb they looked. If we were in a cartoon, they'd probably be drawn with hearts in their eyes.

"Hey guys. The food is ready if you want to join."

"We'll be down in a min-

I cut Y/N off. "Hey 'Maine, wanna know something about Y/N?"

They looked over at me with wide eyes and began to shake their head frantically.

"They have the biggest cr-

"Crayon collection!" They yelled while covering my mouth in a hurry.

"Good to know," He laughed and walked out.

I looked over at Y/N. Their eyebrows furrowed with anger and face filled with embarrassment. I wiggled my eyebrows and giggled.

"It's not funny," They said as they placed the journal down on the bed.

 Then we went downstairs.

"I hate you sometimes Mike."

"But you still love me," I smiled.

Y/N sighed. "Yeah."


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