Room 119, Anderson homeroom

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                                                                             -Sarah POV-

As I walked into the room, there were 3 kids already at their desks. me and Cecelia usually pick seats next to her. I looked around for Cecelia. I ran over to her in joy. Cecelia had always been a tall girl. 'Cecelia!?" I squealed. she looked up. "Sarah?" "yes it's me!" she stared at me. "your hair is much longer, I would have never recognized you" " I've missed you" I said, hugging her. we talked and told each other about our summers, and what we did. "I got a pool!" I said. I got a pool over the summer, my mom finally caved in. Its a 6ft deep in ground pool. I was happy I saw Cecelia in study hall. I missed her.

                                                                             - Cecelia POV -

so, turns out Sarah hadn't found another friend after all. she actually seemed really excited to see me. when she walked into the door, and tapped on my shoulder, all my stress went away. we spent all study hall comparing schedules and talking about our summers. turns out, we have 5 out of 7 classes together! I really like hanging out with Sarah, she makes me happy. she's the best friend someone could ever have. 

                                                                           -    5th period  - 

me and Cecelia have 5th period together. she's been hanging out with Marissa lately. I feel a little left out. maybe she wasn't excited to see me. maybe that's why she walked to school. Marissa is the nosey little popular girl. I've always hated her. her and Cecelia hung out a lot in 6th. but me and Cc are even closer. that's Cecelia's nickname. I went over to talk to her, but when I started talking to her, Marissa started talking about her new corgi she got for her birthday. I wasn't invited, but C was. I wish Marissa wasn't in C's classes. she's in every single one except study hall. how can I compete with that? I went up to ask C to hang out later, she said "sure". she didn't sound excited. 

                                                                                 - schedule - 

                                                   first period - study hall Ms. Anderson

                                                        second period - science Mr. Adam

                                                             third period - ELA Ms. Jones

                                                              forth period - social studies

                                                                    fifth period - French 

                                                          sixth period - health Ms. Smith

                                                         seventh period - band Mr. Felipa

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