The Fight

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The next day I walked up to Sarah, and for the first time, I screamed at her. "what is wrong with you!?" I shouted, clenching my fists. "what are you talking about C." she said, acting oblivious. "don't call me that." I said. "I'll call you whatever I want." she was making my face turn red. "I said, don't. call. me. that." I said, repeating myself. "I said, I. Don't. Care." she said. luckily no one was really there, since we were early, and no cars were here yet. I clenched my fist, and walked toward her. "you could never get Connor if you wanted to." I said, clenching my teeth. "I could get any boy I ever wanted" now she was making me mad. "you think your looks are everything" I said, "Really you must think your a model" I could see her face turn red. "at least they would let me try out for one." she said, "they probably wouldn't even let you in." I started to tear up. "awww how sad, little Cecelia is gunna cry?" then I heard Marissa, my only friend, start laughing. "screw you" I said, walking away with my confident walk. but inside, I started to cry. I looked back at everyone laughing, and high-fiving Sarah. I hated her. I swore I would never talk to her again.


I got in a fight with Cecelia. I don't even like to say her name anymore. It was study hall, I had all my work done, So I decided to organize. I was pulling stuff out of my bag, and then, I found an old friendship bracelet. It was from C. I grabbed the one Audrey had given me, put it on, and walked towards Cecelia's desk. I dropped it on her desk, and walked back to mine. I took out my phone, and started texting Connor about today. I told him everything. He was even against Cecelia now. I don't regret what I've done, though. she deserved it. I hope she enjoys finding new friends. 

                                                                               - may 15, 2019 -

it's been months since me and Cecelia's fight. her only friend is Noah, but he would be friends with a talking mouse. I'm now in a relationship with Connor, and Josh moved to Syracuse. I'm much more mature now, it's so close to eighth grade. I don't enjoy seeing Cecelia every day. I don't feel sorry about what I said to her that day. and I've kept my promise, to never talk to her again. 

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