Lin Beifong- The Chief, A Criminal, and The Avatar

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Walking through the street late at night was never a good idea. Sure, Lin was a Beifong and an officer under her mother's command. But even with this, that didn't stop anyone from doing illegal things right in front of her. Lin had rounded a corner when a young woman around her age came crashing out of a window.

"What's the matter little bitch? You're supposed to be the boss of this operation. You're just a kid so I have no idea why Aiko left our business to you." The girl from the window growled at the voice.

"Because I have a brain and braun unlike you, you fat badgermole. He left it to me because I went through hell to prove myse-" The girl looked to Lin and glared. "Pack up boys, we have a visitor. I'll deal with her and then meet me on the corner. And don't be late you fucking pansies." You walked to Lin with a smirk.

"Well hello there. What's a pretty girl like you doing in my neighborhood? It's dangerous in these parts of the city." You had brushed a hair from her eye when she grabbed you and pushed you against a wall.

"What kind of fucked up operation is going on in there?" The look that she gave you said she was going to arrest you. But, you being the cheeky fucker that you are was going to mess with her first.

"Drugs here and there, assassination plans, plans of getting women like you to come find me." "You-" "Messing with fire? Done that all my life. Tell me, Officer, what do you think I could do to you? I mean, I'm just a little earthbender trying to live up to her father's expectations." Lin sighed. "You're under arrest. For the time being as a unit check the warehouse." You smiled at her, "Okay. Have fun. Tell your unit to tell any people in there that I'm dead. Easier for all of us." Lin shook her head but cuffed you, leading you back to the precinct. You were one of the best criminals, you were not going down this easily. A smile stretched across your face. You used your brute strength to break the cuffs and bolted down the alley.

"Guys! Pack up we have to go right now!" Bursting through the door you quickly packed up your little bits of things you actually wanted and rushed back out the door. Lin was catching up to you as you left.

"Come and get me, Beifong!" You shout and take off again. Leasing the way you ran down an alley and earthbent onto the roof of the house next to you. Lin quickly followed, trying to catch you at all costs. Seems she had underestimated your talent as a criminal. Nevertheless, Lin kept in good pace behind you, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. The other earthbender wanted to catch you, not only because you had broken the law but because she was intrigued with you. Of course, she'd never tell her mother that. Deciding that running wasn't going to help you stopped at the edge of a roof.

"Finally done running, criminal?" Lin asked, her voice heaved as she was out of breath. You smiled brightly at her and laughed, "Not a chance. I figured though, we are equally matched. I want to duel. You against me, on this rooftop. If you win, I'll stop running and hand over my crew. If I win? Well, we'll see what happens if that comes." You held out your hand for her. This was going to be easier than you thought.

"Fine. You have a deal." Lin grabbed your hand. Your eyes brightened and you twisted Lin's wrist, forcing her to the ground. Using your bending you snaked her own cables around her waist and neck, holding her down. Pulling stones from the ground you turned them to lava and twisted it around Lin's body. You wouldn't hurt her significantly. You wanted to leave a mark of this night on her so she'd always remember.

"I'm sorry, love. I have to go now. But here. Have a piece of me with you always." You forced the lava into the shape of your name and pressed it to her armor, burning through it and hitting her skin. Lin screamed out, she had tears falling down her cheeks as you held your lava branding mold to her. Once you were sure the mark would stay you removed the lava, throwing it to the ground and picking the woman up. She had fallen unconscious and you were going to take her to the shore and cool her down. You were a criminal but you weren't going to let her suffer more than you already made her.

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