Chapter 17

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Hey day bea. Haha I rhymed...well that was awkward. Enjoy.

Esther's POV

I was currently in the airport waiting for them to call that my plane was ready to take off. I wasn't kidding when I said I would go to Canada because that's exactly where I'm going.

Since I had Lucas when I was 20, I couldn't exactly call myself a mother since I was still in college. Do I sent him to live with my sister in Canada.

I know what you must be thinking.
You're such a shitty mother.

Well fuck you cause you don't even know the half of it. I found out about Joshua and my mother a week before he was born. I was heartbroken and I made myself very clear that I wouldn't let him last a finger on my son...our son.

The only product of our short lived love.

I hardly wipe away the tears that treated to spill from my eyes.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry over that bastard.

After the 'intervention' I had with Angelo at the apartment, I finally grew a pair of balls and decided to catch the next flight to Canada. I tried to persuade Angelo to let me say goodbye to Leon but he assured me that he would handle it. But judging by the fact that Leon isn't really keen on him I doubt it would end well.

Just then I hear a monotone voice call out from the loudspeakers :

'Flight 173, for Canada is about to take off'

I sighed and got up from my chair, or death trap ad I would like to call it.

Like seriously it's like the person who invented airport chairs wanted to make us uncomfortable in purpose.

I crack my knuckles as I approach the front desk. (A/N:I don't really know that much about airports so if this is wrong just bear with me.)

I hand the flight attendant my ticket and enter into the aircraft.

Deep breaths,
Deep breaths.

I can do this.!

I take a seat next to the window and local the view outside. Today was surprisingly hot so I tried to put on as little clothing as possible.
Not in that way!!

I just wore a short dress that reached my thighs. It covers everything well..I hope. I put on my Ray-Bans even though I'm in an aircraft because that's just how much of a boss I am.

Sometimes I forget that I'm 36,because I definitely have my Kris Jenner moments.

'Please everyone fasten your seat belt, we are ready for take-off'

Here goes nothing...

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