Chapter 13

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Hey guys so I chose Kristen Stewart as Esther because she's so perfectly imperfect. I'm soooooo sorry I didn't update on Wednesday, writers blocks a b*tch. Enjoy.

Leon's POV

"I'm bored "I say for the hundredth time in 30 minutes. We're currently sprawled put on the couch watching SpongeBob SquarePants because neither of us want to get off the couch to change the channel.

I hate cable TV.

" So what do you suggest that we do because I was supposed to be at work " she said."But someone decided it was a great idea to drag my as out and embarrass me in front of my cousin." she finished while stuffing her face with a handful of popcorn.

Oh so she could get up and go get popcorn but couldn't change the damn channel?

"Pff cousin my ass" I muttered under my breath.


"So... " I started awkwardly." I think we should talk about what happened with you and Joshua, don't you think? "

" Yeah you have a right to know."she sighed sitting up on the couch, as did I.

"Basically he wants to propose to my mother but she's mad at him for letting my dad catch them while she was giving him a blow job. And he wants my help in talking to my mother so I can convince her to say yes and for me and Joshua to finalize the divorce papers."she sucked in a large amount of air after her rant.

"Wait does your mother even know how to give a blow job? "I asked.

She smacked me...hard.

" Ow it was a simple question."I said rubbing my arm.

"So of all the things I said that's the only thing that you thought about asking me? "she gaped at me.

I know what she must be thinking.


I just shrugged and she smacked me again . I laughed this time.

" Leon come on you're supposed to give me advice . I thought we were friends."she pouted.

"Friends with benefits" I said wriggling my eyebrows.

"I can't deal with you right now. Call me when you're done being a prick."and with that she stood up and left the living room back into her hibernating den.

Then I burst out laughing.

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