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3rd POV:

"Azron has rejected Azealah." Massimo announced causing everyone to stop what they were doing and listen again more carefully.

"What?!" Selene almost screamed out hoping that she was just imagining this.

"You know the punishments for announcing fake news don't you Massimo?" God's voice filled the place.

"I wouldn't dare to lie your honors. He announced their rejection just moments ago." Massimo spoke confidently.

"I have to go see my daughter." Selene said as she got ready to unfurl her wings.

"Azealah said she'll come back to Heaven tomorrow after she gathers all of her stuff. And Azron made sure that I pass the message that anyone who dares to enter Hell will die." Massimo said to her calmly.

That made her stop her action. All she and everyone else can do right now is pray for the Angel.

In Hell;
3rd POV:

"Azron stop." Azealah giggled and tried to get away from his kisses.

"Shhhhh Angel. I've rejected you remember?" He teased her and went back to attacking her with kisses all over her neck and chest.

Azealah gasped, "How can I forget?! Get off of me! What will my new future mate say after he hears I let my ex-mate kiss me after rejecting?" She teased him back and by the cold glare he sent her she knew she got him.

"There will be no "new" mate. Only me!" He growled loud enough to shake the room but not for anyone outside to hear.

"Of course they will be no one silly. I was just teasing you." She giggled and kissed his forehead.

Azron went cross-eye to where she kissed him before leaning in more to her face.

"Do it again." He demanded and she tried not to smile as she kissed his forehead again but for longer this time.

Then she placed a kiss on each cheek before leaving a small butterfly kiss on his nose.

"Hmmm." He hummed in satisfaction before burying himself in between her chest as he held one of them in his hand.

"Do you think our plan will work?"She asked while playing with his hair.

"I'm sure whoever is behind this will show themselves to see whether I've really rejected you." He sighed.

"I don't like the plan!" She pouted and turned her head away from him.

"And why is that my gorgeous queen?" He asked even though already knew why.

"Because I don't like the idea of you rejecting me!" She answered as if that was the most obvious thing and Azron is stupid for not knowing it.

He smiled widely at her before dipping his head down and kissing her till she was breathless. His left arm is on her cheek lovingly touching it and his right arm is under her and on her back, lifting her so she's even closer to his body.

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