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Azealah will NOT call Azron daddy... just to make it clear for everyone :)

Feel free to correct any mistakes you find!💕

3rd POV:

The trio has been staying at Charlie's house for three days now. They still haven't heard a word from Heaven nor Hell about anything but they could only hope that this plan is working.

Azealah and Lora became impossibly close during these three days. They're always doing almost everything together whether it's to eat, play, talk, etc.

The only negative thing about this whole situation was Azron has to use his powers on Meredith at night to keep her from going back to Lucifer as he's her mate and she's been uncontrollably missing him. She absolutely hated herself for it but she just couldn't help it. It's like she was made to only think about him.

Even though she couldn't find anything positive to think about, she still remembers the time where he looked at her with admiration when he first found out about her being his mate.

She spends most of her day watching over the girls or talking with Charlie and Azron as they became good friends.

Today, Azron and Charlie decided to take their girls to a little farm Charlie owned. It was right in front of his house and he made sure to put borders around it as he didn't want his girl getting hurt. Azron was quick to realize that Charlie lives in the forest for privacy and protection.

Azron and Charlie were sitting down outside on the grass as both of their girls chased random animals. Even though the animals didn't run away from them as Azealah naturally lured them in. Meredith decided to stay home and bake a surprise cake for the girls. Azron also made sure Meredith's need to see her mate decreased before going out.

"Why are you so loyal to Meredith?" Asked Azron out of nowhere.

Charlie looked at Azron before looking back at his beautiful girl that was crossing her eyes to try and get a look at the butterfly that laid on her forehead. A soft smile lit up his face as he looked at his girl and as he remembered the day he promised his loyalty to Meredith.

"She's the reason for my life right now. I was a normal Demon warrior on Earth just doing my thing and then suddenly there was an order for the number of Demons on Earth to decrease. Every Demon on earth was ordered to go back to Hell unless someone else volunteers to exchange positions. I had just gotten Lora but I was so attached to her I just couldn't leave. So I stayed. Two months went by and no one noticed I hadn't come back to Hell... until I came home one day after a long day of shopping for Lora and I saw one of the main warrior trainers in front of me. I was given a choice to either kill Lora and go back to Hell or have him kill both, me and Lora. And just as I was about to have him kill both of us because then I can at least have her soul near me, Meredith appeared. She said she volunteers to go back to Hell and have me stay here. We signed the documents and just before she left I swore my loyalty to her." Charlie said as he had a faraway look on his face as if he's remembering that day as if it happened yesterday.

"She was given a choice to live on Earth. Have a normal life and enjoy it with everything she could ever want available. But she chose to save me. She chose to go back to being controlled in Hell to save me and my babygirl's life." Charlie continued knowing that Azron probably didn't understand the big deal at the beginning but once Charlie explained further Azron understood.

Azron looked at Charlie before looking back at his mate who was trying to do a handstand as Lora is teaching her. He finally understood why Charlie always looked at Meredith with so much admiration and honesty in his eyes. He knew it couldn't be a crush because he seemed to be in absolute love with Lora. But now he also admired Meredith. She chose to save someone's life and give them the life that she wanted and could have had while knowing she would never get a chance like this ever again.

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