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3rd POV:

"We should get married." Azealah squealed in excitement at the thought.

Azron hummed not even paying any attention to what she's saying. He's trying to stuff his face in her neck so he could get some kisses on her, get her scent all over him, have his scent all over her, and have Azealah play with his hair. This sounded so amazing to Azron but Azealah was being difficult because she's too excited to sit still.

He moved her arms down so they weren't pushing him away because she was trying to see his face when she talks. As soon as her arms were down, he quickly shoved his face in her neck taking in her scent as quickly as possible knowing his little Flower would move again soon.

And... she did. He sighed in annoyance and looked into her eyes while he spoke, "Sit still."

Azealah froze for a second because Azron interrupted her speech about how they should have little birds holding her veil for her during their wedding that came out of nowhere.

Azron took this as an opportunity and launched himself at her neck like how he's been trying to do and started to slowly suck where her throat is. His mouth closed around it as he continued to suck, lick, and kiss it while it slightly moved when she gulped down trying to keep her unknown emotions together.

"A-Azron?" She asked trying not to moan knowing this would only set her naughty mate off even more.

"Yes queen?" He whispered softly in her ears before dragging his lip back on her neck is and continued to kiss whatever skin came his way.

"Are you a bee?" She asked thoughtfully.

This caught his attention as he moved away slightly to see where his mate was going with that, "No...why?" He asked her.

"Because I can be your honey." Azealah said with a giggle, repeating what Lora taught her while they where playing with barbies.

"What?" Azron said confused on what she said.

"Are you winter?" She asked again.

"Because you'll be coming soon." Azealah squealed as she sunk deeper in the bed because she was laughing so hard. She has absolutely no idea what she said meant but the look on her mate's face is enough to make her laugh.

Azron caught on what she's saying. His c*ck hardening at her dirty words but he knew she didn't exactly understand what she's saying.

"Does your cake come with frosting? Or..." He said as he fisted her A*s which gained him a gasp from his little flower. "Do I have to put it on myself?" He whispered sensually in her ear.

"Huh? What? I don't understand." Azealah said with confusion.

"Of course you don't." Azron whispered back admiring her body that shouldn't even be allowed to look so sexy, beautiful, cute, and gorgeous all at once.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a pout.

Azron smiled sweetly at her little pout before leaning down and deeply kissing her until she ran out of breath.

"I-I think I'm ready." She whispered lightly in his ear.

"W-what?" Azron asked with wide eyes. This is what he has been waiting for but for some reason he's nervous. About what? He wasn't exactly sure.

"I want to mate." Azealah said with cherry red cheeks. She was extremely shy about all of this but she knew that she wanted him. Her body and mind craved him more and more everyday.

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