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3rd POV:

"What do you mean war?" Roared Lucifer as he glared at Massimo, the messenger between Hell and Heaven.

"S-sir I swear it wasn't me. It was God." Massimo said as he bend his head down in respect. Lucifer stared at the boy before growling a "get out" in which Massimo gladly did.

His heart ached once again his mate but he didn't know where she is. He just kept trying to get out of the chair that Azron used his powers to make him be stuck in it and got surprised when he could finally get up. He even stumbled forward a bit as he wasn't expecting to be unstuck.

He haven't heard anything from his Demons since the day he tortured Meredith. And even then they were foggy and he couldn't tell what they were saying. His whole body and mouth moved on its own and felt like he was being possessed by something.

And now all he wanted was to see his mate... maybe hug her too. And most importantly apologize. He didn't know what came to him that day but it was definitely not him. He was ready to step down from the Throne and finally have the life he has always wished for but now he doesn't know if that's even possible.

His mate most likely hates him now and doesn't want anything to do with him and knowing this makes his whole body ache in agony. He just wished he could find an explanation to what is happening to him but he just couldn't. One minute he's aching for his mate while the other he despises her but he doesn't know why.

He looked around the Throne room where all his councils were standing.

"Well?" He asked. His insides are burning in rage at the thought of Heaven declaring war on his people for something that has nothing to do with them.

One of his councils cleared his throat before speaking, "The best thing is to reject her. We don't need any war."

Lucifer glared hard and long at the council that spoke which made him gulp and tilt his head in submission.

"No." Lucifer said in a hard voice that left absolutely no room for arguments. It angered him how everyone wants him to reject his other half but what angered him more is the fact that she hates him wether he rejected her or not. She'll probably want him to reject her after what he put her through.

Lucifer felt his claws appearing and replacing his fingers on both hands. His filled with so much hatred, confusion, and pain that he couldn't handle them anymore. Normally he would have his Demons to talk to but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get any response back.

They were definitely still there but they didn't respond to him or if they did, he couldn't make out what they're trying to say.

Just as his blood craving completely took control of his body and start to shred all his councils into tiny piece, the big Throne doors opened.

There walked Azealah and Azron hand in hand as if they're meant to be the King and Queen of Hell. As if they owned this entire place. But Azealah was oblivious to this as she continued to look around at the new paintings the maids has put up as a tradition to change all the paintings in the Throne room once a month.

Azron tugged his mate closer to him as he saw her so interested in the painting of a Phoenix bird that she started to unknowingly walk towards it. She felt the tugging and quickly payed more attention to the king of Hell in front of her, the same one that tortured her friend.

Azron definitely didn't want Azealah with him right now as Lucifer is too unpredictable especially since he doesn't have his mate. He had erased Meredith's scent so Lucifer won't know she's in Azron's and Azealah's room but he'll start to smell her as the mate bond is always stronger than anything.

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