[Insert koolaid nameee]

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○°3rd person p.o.v°○

Kiibo walked into the apartment Him and Shuichi shared and hung up his coat.
"Shuichi! I'm back!" He said as he walked to the kitchen to wash his hands, just in case he touch anything gross, because he didn't want to get Saihara sick.

"Shuichi?" He said as he walked towards their room. [They share a room and one side is Saihara's and the other is Kiibo's]
He knocked on the door, just in case Shuichi was changing. He didn't want to walk in on him.

He got no answer so he opened the door quietly.
He thought Saihara was asleep.
But he was sitting at his desk. His head drooping downward every few seconds but quickly jerking back up.

"Shuichi are you alright?" Kiibo asked, walking towards him with his hand out. "Y-Yeah..I'm fine, Kiibo.." Shuichi croaked.

Kiibo lightly touched Shuichi's shoulder, but pulled away quickly once Saihara flinched.
-a few minutes later [in the dining room]-
"Here.." Kiibo said as he handed Shuichi a bowl of soup. "Thanks.." Shuichi said. He didn't croak again though because Kiibo had given him water. "Are you sure you're alright, Saihara?" Kiibo asked.

Shuichi nodded and ate his soup. "Okay.." Kiibo said, unsurely. He went to was his hands again and started to do some dishes.

Shuichi finished his food and brought it to Kiibo and started to walk back to their room. Kiibo looked at him, worried. But Shuichi gave a semi-reassuring smile, and continued walking.  Kiibo could hear the door close and stood still for a bit.

Eventually it got too quiet so Kiibo decided he'd turn on the TV. Then he continued doing the dishes.
It was around 8:00pm so he decided he'd go to sleep [or recharge, it depends if you choose for him to be human or not-].

He quietly opened the door, expecting Saihara to be asleep, but was surprised to see him back at his desk. "Saihara please go to bed.." He spoke, quietly and calmly.

"I can't Kiibs.." He said, turning to Kiibo. "Please?.." Kiibo asked again. "I will..I promise.." He[Shu] lied. Kiibo thanked him and went to the bathroom to change.

When he cam eback he hugged Saihara from behind and laid down, facing the wall. "Goodnight Saihara.." He said, smiling. Shuichi smiled and thought about what he had said earlier.

'Should I go to sleep?..' He thought. 'No! I can't.. I can't rest until this is solved..' He looked to Kiibo, who had turned to face Shuichi in his sleep. He smiled, sadly. 'Sorry Kiibo...' He thought.
~The morning~
Kiibo woke up and looked toward Shuichi's side of the room. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Shuichi did you stay up all night again?" He asked, annoyed that Shuichi had lied to him. "W-Wha??..- Oh! K-Kiibo! Goodmorninggg...." He giggled, nervously.

Kiibo got up and hugged Shuichi tightly. "Are you okay, Shuichi?.. You can tell me anything...You know that right?.." He said, sadly.

"I'm alright, K-Kiibs.." Shuichi put his hands on Kiibo's arms. He almost fell asleep..but he got up quickly.

-This went on for days-

[Misspelling when Shuichi is talking is on purpose!]

"Shuichi. Please go to sleep.." Kiibo said to Shuichi as they walked down one of the empty halls in their school. Shuichi didn't respond until a minute or so later. "H-Huh? O-Oh sorry Riibe..-" "Ribbe?" Kiibo repeated. "D-Dorry.."
Kiibo patted Shuichi's shoulder and smiled. "It's okay..-"

Shuichi hit the ground with a thud.

"SHUICHI?!" Kiibo yelled. He picked him up and ran to their apartment.
Shuichi woke up at looked around the room. "H-Huh?.." He mumbled. He saw Kiibo asleep on a chair and sat up as he smiled. He got up slowly  and almost fell over. He shook Kiibo lightly and Kiibo awoke.

"Shuichi!" He said, happily as he hugged him tightly. Shuichi hugged him back.

"We're going to sleep and I am making sure you go to sleep." Kiibo said.

Saihara giggled and they laid in Shuichi's bed. Kiibo wrapped his arms around his torso and held him tight, so he wouldn't get up. Shuichi smiled to himself and brushed Kiibo's hair with his hand, slowly falling asleep.

"Thanks Kiibo.." He said.
"You're welcome, Shuichi.." He said as he snuggled into Shuichi's chest. "I love you.." Shuichi said, unknowingly.

"Love you too.."


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