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☆*K1BO'S P.O.V*☆

"Hey Kaede, have you seen Shuichi?" "Oh hey Kiibo! Um he's sick today actually.." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I shall keep him company!" I said smiling proudly.

"But Rantaro-kun is-"
I ran off towards Shuichi's cottage.

[A little bit later U.U]

-insert knocking soundz-

I waited for an answer when Rantaro answered the door..
"Oh hello Amami-kun.." I said. Kind of upset that he was here with Saihara and not me.

"Hey Kiibo, what's up?" He said smiling. "The sky?- Anyways..I came here to see he here?" I asked. "I- Nevermind.. Um yes actually, he's sick though..-" "I know that! That's why I'm here!" I walked in and sat by Saihara's bed and watched him sleep. That sounds pretty creepy but-
"I'm already taking care of Saih-" "I want to! I can't get sick anyways Amami-kun.." Rantaro shrugged and left.

*our boy Shuichi wakez up U.U*

"K-Kiibo?" Shuichi said in a raspy tone.
"Hm?- Oh Shuichi!"
"W-What are you doing here?..Where's Amami-ku--"
"He left! I'll be taking care of you now!" I said, rather quickly.

"O-Okay.." Shuichi said, nervously. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. Shuichi nodded. I got him some soup just in case he gets hungry.

I laid down next to him and put my head on his chest. "K-Kiibo! You're gonna get s-sick!" Shuichi said, worried. "Shuichi, I'm not a human or anything like that, silly!"

He seemed tense but slowly relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled into his chest and smiled.

○•Rantaro's P.O.V•○

I went to check on Shuichi and Kiibo with Angie. "Kiibo was acting weird today.." I said. Angie looked at me, confused.
"What do you mean?" She asked. "He seemed real protective over Shuichi-" I said, crossing my arms. "Not that I care that much, but like..I wonder if he's glitching or something.."

Angie patted my shoulder and smiled. "He's probably okay!" She assured me.
I smiled at her and we continued on our way.


"Shuichi?" Angie said as she knocked on the door. We walked in because we didn't hear anything. "Shui- Oh" I said as I stared at the bed.

Shuichi and Kiibo were laying down together. I smiled. "C'mon Angie, we should let them sleep-"

*3rd person*
The next morning Kiibo woke up. He looked at Shuichi and smiled and snuggled up to him. He then started to feel something coming up his throat. He ran to a corner and coughed. 'HOW COULD I BE SICK?!' He thought. He stared at Shuichi sadly and then ran off.

He bumped into Rantaro. "Kiibo are you oka-" "I'M FINE-" Kiibo ran into a wall. He slipped into his room as Amami just stood there.

Kiibo stole Kaede and Miu's blankets and pillows. 'I hope they don't get mad at me' He frowned.
'I miss Saihara..' He thought as he rubbed his head into a pillow.

Miu had a bodypillow of Kaede but be still took it. He wrapped his arms around it and fell asleep. He imagined it was Shuichi, hugging him.

Shuichi woke up and felt much better compared to yesterday. He smiled but couldn't find Kiibo.. he didn't worry much though.

He got dressed and walked out of his room. He spotted Rantaro and ran over. "Hello Amami!" "Hey Saihara.." "What's wrong?" He asked Rantaro. " Kiibo Was acting weird today.." "What happened?" " He just kind of looked like he was hiding something.."

"Well where is he?" Shuichi asked. "In his room.." "Okay, Thank you!" He yelled as he ran towards Kiibos room.

[Knock Knock]

No answer

He decided to walk in.
"Kiibo??" He saw Kiibo, alone covered in blankets..
"Kiibo!" Shuichi said running to the side of the bed.

"Kiibo! Kiibo are you okay?!" He said, shaking Kiibo. Kiibo awoke and rubbed his eyes. "S-[cough] Shuichi?.." Shuichi's eyes widened. He was sick?! How?!

"Are you okay Kiibo?"
"Yeah..I'm  [cough cough] I'm fine.."
"Here..let me take care of you-"
"N-No Shuichi! I can [cough] I can..Do it.."
He rolled my eyes and went off to get him some soup.

He came back to Kiibo and put it on the side table [YES I AM GOING TO HAVE HIM BE ABLE TO EAT THIS EPIC KOOLKID SOUP, YES]

He looked so sweet..but he was sick! Shuichi smiled at Kiibo and hugged him.. "I'm sorry you're sick, Kiibs.."
He said. "It's okay-" [cough]

Shuichi told him to sit up and grabbed the bowl, then started to feed him. "I- I can.. feed mysel- [cough] myself!"

He continued to feed Kiibo, as Kiibo pouted. Kiibo yawned again [because yes]
and Shuichi smiled.. "You tired?" "M-Mhm.." Kiibo said rubbing his eyes.
Shuichi laid down next to Him and saw the Kaede pillow.
"Huh?-" "It's Miu's.." Kiibo said as he laid down on Shuichi.

Shuichi smiled and rubbed his hand in circles on Kiibos back. Kiibo slowly fell asleep, the same with Shuichi.



I woke up and smiled. Kiibo was awake and staring at me. "Kiibs? You okay?" He flinched as if he were in a trace and I chuckled.

"I- I was just-"
I kissed him. I don't know why

But I did.

I pulled away and we stared at eachother for a little bit. Kiibo then fell backward onto his bed, his face as red as a beet [Idk how to spell that bc im not good at- whatever uh-]

I laughed. "Are you okay Kiibo?"
"hHhHhhHhgwhahHhh-" [<--Kiibo]

I pulled him up and hugged him. "Can I kiss you again, Kiibo?.." "Yes." He said as he grabbed my face and pulled towards his. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid down.

We pulled away and smiled. He was so adorable..
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Before I did though.. I heard Kiibo speak.
"I love you, Shuichi" He said as he rubbed his head into my chest.

I then fell asleep smiling.


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