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This story is about the photo above ^^

○●K1BO'S P.O.V●○
I don't know how this happened..I was walking back from the park, saw a cat, and now I'm in a puddle..

I lay down in the puddle and gaze up into the sky. I don't know why I did that really..


I sit up and look around.


He reaches his hand out to me. I take it and stand up. "Thank you, Shuichi" I giggle a bit.

He giggles and oh my god.. I wanna hear him giggle forever he's so adorable.. Wait, Wait...
"Hey umm..Kiibo?.."
"Why were you in that puddle?"
He stared at me and smiled. "I saw a cat and then I ended up in a puddle" He laughed.
There isn't much for us to talk about..
"Hey, Do you wanna walk home with me, Kiibo?"
He smiled brightly,"Sure!" I smile and take his hand and hand him the umbrella. He takes my hand and puts it on the umbrella as well.
"Let's both hold it!" He smiles. I stare for a bit.


We walk on the sidewalk, trying to stay way from the road in case any cars go through a puddle.

*time skip brought to you by Kuroo having a flatter ass than oikawa*

We've been out for a while considering where I found him isn't all that close to my house-
Kiibo suddenly stops walking. I turn around and look at him, confused.
"Shuichi, Look!" He said pointing to a small frog on the ground. "What is it, Shuichi?" He asked, in awe.

I laughed. "That's a frog, Kiibo!" He picked it up and stared at me. "SHUICHI CAN I KEEP IT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASEEEE!"
He looked so happy.. I chuckled,"Sure, Kiibs"

○●K1B0'S P.O.V●○
I blushed at the nickname, which I didn't even know I could do! I smiled and picked up the so called 'frog' and ran over to Shuichi.

*another time skip-*

We arrived at Shuichi's apartment. "Goodbye, Shuichi!" I waved as I started to walk away from the area, but he grabbed my arm.
"Where are you going, Kiibo?" He asked. "Aren't you gonna stay over for a while?" He continued. "I can stay?!" I asked, happily. "Of course you can! Now c'mon we should get inside, you're drenched" He smiled.


We get to his front door and he unlocks it. We walk in and he closes his umbrella, hanging it on a hook on the wall.
I look down at my frog and smile. "..Shuichi?" "Hm?" "What do frogs live in..like..What's their habitat..?" He takes the frog from me gently and get a case he was saving for a fish. He puts the frog in and get everything he has that it might need.

*idk what frogs needddd*

I smile. "Thanks, Shuichi" He smiles and picks me up. "?!"
I cover my face and what to see where he's taking me, as he chuckles.


He takes me to his bedroom and sits me on the bed. "Hm?"
He walks away and comes back with some of his clothing. "Put these on, Kiibs" He smiles, handing them to me. "..Alright" I get up and walk to his restroom.

I was sat on my bed, when Kiibo walked out.

V♢♤I was sat on my bed, when Kiibo walked out

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***I drew this but not the other photo!***

"U-Um..Shuichi? These are kind of baggy-"
I get up and hug Kiibo, pulling him onto my bed, smiling.

I sit on my bed with him on my lap. After a minute or so he buried his face in my chest and fell asleep.
I held him tightly, like I was protecting him.

I love this robot very much.. I lifted his head up and kissed him.
..And he kissed back..
I opened my eyes quickly and there he was, staring at me.
He cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss.
I smiled and held him close as we kissed. When we pulled apart he smiled brightly and laid back down on me.
"I love you, Shu.." He smiled.

"I love you too, Kiibs.."

What'd you think? :D
I hope you liked it and uhhh yeah! I'll make a page in here where you can request things if you'd like! Bye!^^

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