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I Know how to start this, sorry it took a long time- [this takes place on December 24th ^^]


Everyone was smiling and wearing Santa hats [Well maybe not everyone]
"What're you gonna do for Christmas, Kaede?" Shuichi asked. "Well, I want to go out to a coffee shop or something, and play the piano for everyone! I'm hoping it'll make others feel how I feel when I play!" She smiled.

"That's great, Kaede! I hope you have a good time!" Shuichi responded, happily. He walked to Kokichi and Kaito and asked them as well.


Shuichi had asked just about everyone, except..Kiibo.

Shuichi walked to a confused Kiibo. "Kiibo? What's wrong? You look very confused.."

"Oh..Hello Shuichi! Uhm.. Yes I'm quite confused..Why is everyone so very happy and what are they wearing?.."He asked.

'Does he not know what Christmas is?..' I thought. "They're happy because it's Christmas, Kiibo!" I said. "What's  <Christmas>?"He asked. 'So I was right..'

"I have an idea! You can celebrate with me and you'll find out!" I smiled. His eyes seemed to sparkle a bit.."Y-Yeah Okay!" He hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much, Shuichi!"

I blushed a bit. "I'm happy you're going to celebrate Christmas with me, kiibo" I said hugging him. "Hey lovebirds! Calm it down!" Miu said. I noticed that our faces [kiibo's and mine] were getting quite close.

I backed away quickly and chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. Kiibo covered his face and hid it in my chest. A few minutes passed by and everyone was getting ready to go shopping for their friends and family.

"Hey Kiibo, I think we should get going Christmas is tomorrow" I smiled. "Oh! Alright then, Shuichi!"


"So kiibo, Santa will come tonight and bring us gifts, but for him to come, we need to go to sleep. You see, he wouldn't want to be caught! So how about you go to sleep and I'll join you in a bit. I still to wrap some presents for my family and friends" I smile.

"Okay!" Kiibo smiled and laid down on my bed,closing his eyes. I tucked him in and walked to the living room.

I didn't wrap the present I got for him just yet so I need to finish that then the others.


I finished wrapping presents and smiled, excited to see Kiibo's face. I walked back into my room and looked at Kiibo. He looked so peaceful. He was charging but the charger was by the headboard. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I lay down next to him and hug him from behind, sure to not mess up his charger.


"SHUICHI WAKE UP! LOOK LOOK LOOK!" Kiibo said as he pointed to the living room. I chuckled and got up. I picked him up quickly and walked towards the living room.

When we arrived he jumped out of my arms and ran over to the Christmas tree. I smiled and sat down beside him. He handed me a present. "Look Shuichi! This is for you!" He said. He watched me open it and smiled. It was a picture of him and I. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Kiibo, when did you do this?" "I drew it and Miu told me to wrap it and put it under the tree for you!" He hugged me back.

I handed him a present and he stared at the box happily. "Is this for me?" He asked, staring at me. "Yeah! Open it Kiibs!" I smiled. He smiled and opened the box. He gasped. He pulled a stuffed doll from the box and held it tightly to his chest. "Thank you so much, Shuichi!" He hugged me tightly.

"You're very welcome, Kiibo. But we must get ready! We're going to go see the others at and ice-skating rank!" I smiled. "Alright! Can I bring this?" He asked, referring to the doll. "Of course!"


We arrived and sat with everyone at a table. "What do you have there, Kiibo?" Kaede asked. "Shuichi got me this for this Christmas thingy!" He smiled. I was so glad he was happy. Miu laughed. I glanced up at her. "What's so funny?-" She was holding a mistletoe above kiibo and I. He didn't notice though. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, put my fingers under his chin. He looked up at me innocently smiling. "Yes Shuichi?"

I gulped and pulled his face close to mine. "I'm sorry, Kiibo.." He looked at me confused.

I kissed him. He froze for a bit, but kissed back. I smiled. I pulled away and held him close. He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Hey guys, we're gonna go skate wanna come?" Kaito asked. "Sure" I responded.


We got on the ice and Kiibo slipped. He landed on his face and frowned. I chuckled. "Are you alright, Kiibo?" I held my hand out to help him up. "Yeah I'm fine.." He said, rubbing his cheek. I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"C'mon let's skate"


They skated around for a bit and had a great time. They got in a slow dance position, and skated like that. Kiibo's head on Shuichi's shoulder, his hand holding shuichi's, and the other on his other shoulder.

They stayed close together and eventually most people moved out of their way to watch them skate.


Kiibo and Shuichi started to walk home since it was getting dark. Kiibo had fallen asleep so Shuichi held him.

He brought Kiibo to his room and changed his clothing, so he would be more comfortable. He plugged him in and laid down snuggling him.

"I love you, Kiibo.." Shuichi said. Kiibo smiled and snuggled closer to Shuichi.

They had a great Christmas together.

Okay so hElLo AgAiN-
Thanks for waiting for this story, and I appreciate the request ^^
I enjoyed writing this or I guess typing it-
Idk what to say um
Have a good day/night!

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