°☆Star disease☆°

783 15 14

Thank you _ShuichiSaihara_
For requesting this ^^

°☆°K1BO'S P.O.V°☆°

I got up from my chair in my apartment and walked to my calender. "Hang out with shuichi" I read. 'Oh right!' I walk into my room and put on a sweater[etc].

I walk out of the elevator and decide I'll go get some flowers for Saihara.

-afterwards ^^-

I got the flowers and continued on my way to Saihara's apartment. [They live in different apartment complexes], when I felt something rolling down my cheek. I didn't think much about it, and thought maybe a fly got on my face or something, and continued walking.

I decided I'd stop by the park and relax a bit, I had been walking for a while..
But when I walked through the front gate, many people seemed to stare at me?..

I shrugged and sat down by a tree.

I was scrolling around on my phone when a woman came up to me. "Um.. Sir?" She said, quietly. "Huh?" "Uhm..you have glittery[ish] tears on your face, are you alright?.." She asked. "I'm fine!" I smiled. She seemed worried, but nodded, and left.

A few people kept pointing it out until I decided to go ask Miu.

-epic koolaid [cool/cookid] Miu time-

I knocked on her door a few times. 'She might be asleep.., it is 12:23 [pm]..' I thought.

A few minutes later, Kaede answered the door. "Hello Kaede" I smiled. She waved and smiled back. "What are you doing here, Kiibo?" She asked.

"I needed to talk to Miu about something..is she here or awake?-"
Miu interrupted me
"Kaede why'd you leave- oh!" She said.

"Hi Miu! Kiibo wants to talk to you!" Kaede said smiling. Miu nodded.

We sat down at a table. "So um..Iruma..People have been pointing out these starry water droplets on my face lately, what are they?" I asked.

She was quiet for a moment, then spoke.

"They're star disease" I was confused and asked her what it was.

"It's kinda like the Hanahaki, [Forgive my spelling, I forgot how to spell it :')], y'know..one-sided love? All that jazz" She said.

"Then if they're tears and stuff, why won't they go away?" I asked. [She explained further and uh ye]

-an hour or so later-

I waved goodbye to Miu and Kaede and walked out.
'I need to try and get these tears to stop before I go to Shuichi's..' I thought.

I walk over to a bench and sit down and start trying to rub the tears away.

'It has been 2 hours..Where is he?!' I thought as I paced around my livingroom.
"Should I go look for him?"
I asked Kaito. He was my roommate and was getting ready for a date with Maki.

"Uh probably- SHIT" I ran into the bathroom and saw him bended weirdly in the tub. "Ow.." He groaned. "Did you fall-" "YES" He got up and dusted himself off.

"Hey Kaito?" "Yeah?"
"Could you drive me around to look for Kiibo?" "What?! Why me?! Ask Kaede or something!" He said. "No! She's having movie night with Miu!" I responded.

"Ughhh fine.." He said. "Thank you I really apprecia-" "BUT WE'RE PICKING UP MAKI-ROLL FIRST!" He said, crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes "Okay"

We got into the car and he started driving.
"I hope he's okay..It's dark out.." "Dude you're talking-" Kaito said. I flinched and looked at him. "Sorry.." I looked out the window.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright, we'll find him, don't worry!" He smiled. I smiled back. "Thanks Kaito.." "No problem-"
We arrived at Maki's.

Maki walked out of her house and got into the car. "Hi Maki-" "Hey"

We had been driving around for a while and I saw something.."ON THE BENCH!" I yelled. Kaito and Maki looked at me, confused. "LOOK!" I pointed.

Kaito stopped the car and I ran out. "Kiibo?!" I asked as I ran.

"Shuichi!" He got up and hugged me. "Where were you?! I was so worried Kiibo!" I stared at his face for a bit.


"Are you crying?.."

"Well yes and no?.." He responded. "That doesn't make sense" "I know.." He laughed nervously.

"C'mon let's get in the car.." I said.

We switched spots with Maki because she had been in the back. Kiibo laid his head on my lap and closed his eyes. "Is he okay?" Kaito asked looking into the reerview(?) Mirror.

"Well he has these sparkly Star-like tears on his face that won't stop-" Maki gasped a bit. "We should stop at your guy's house before Kaito and I go on our date. I need to look at Kiibo for a bit.." She said.

Kaito and I nodded.

"So..?" Kaito said.
Kiibo was charging while we took a good look at him.
"Hm..- he has the star disease" I looked at Maki, confused. She explained it and my gaze returned to kiibo.

I nodded. "Well we should get going before everywhere closes.." She said. "Thanks for your help guys.." I said smiling, sadly. "You're welcome" Kaito said. Then they left.

I waited on the couch with some hot chocolate watching a movie. I unplugged Kiibo and hugged him. "Hey Kiibs" He smiled.

"Hi Shuichi!" He hugged me back. "I was watching  [Insert movie title here], wanna watch with me?" I asked. "Yeah, okay!" He giggled.

He laid his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my torso. I smiled and kissed his head. We froze for a bit.. then he looked up at me.

"Shuichi?.." "Hm?.."
He kissed me.. HE KISSED ME-
I immediately kissed back. He pulled away and covered his face with his sweater. "I-I'm sorry, Shuichi! I just-" He babbled and I kissed him again.

"It's okay, Kiibo!" I hugged him. [Idk much abt the star disease btw] I looked at him and the tears had stopped. I mean..they were still on his face and stuff but they stopped coming from his eyes!

I hugged him tighter. "I love you, Kiibo.."

"I-I love you too, Shuichi"

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