Perseus! Pt. 1

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Chapter 16: PERSEUS! Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HOO:(

Triton's POV

Triton was swimming at high speeds along the coast of some faraway place called Tari.. or Tora... or maybe Tiki or... Whatever! Triton chided himself, he couldn't afford being unfocused.

Perseus had been gone for two months now, Poseidon and his forces were on the verge of giving up. So was Triton, until a couple of hours ago, when he had sensed something when he was lying awake in his bed.

\1-2 hours ago/

He had gotten up, and ran to his fathers chambers, expecting his father to be awake and trying to figure out where his youngest son had been taken. Which was all his father had been doing the past month. Guilt over Triton's brother's sudden disappearance and never being there for him when he was younger spurring Poseidon on every time exhaustion tried to take him.

But upon arriving he saw that his father had finally succumbed to exhaustion, slumped over his marble, gem-decorated desk. Triton sighed, he knew that waking his father and telling him what he had sensed would be the right thing to do, and what his father would want him to do. But Poseidon had barely slept, especially since Triton's mother had left to search on the other side of the world. Which had surprised both Triton and his father, as she was the one who was the most against having Percy around.

'Father would be furious if I left to check this out on my own, but he hasn't slept in weeks... But I can't bear telling him, so he gets all hopeful, just to destroy that hope when it just turns out to be a weird energy surge, and not my brother.'

Triton didn't want to think about the 'again' that should have been placed in the end of that sentence. It had happened several times, someone would come back from a trip with a lead or a sighting of someone who looked like the missing son of Poseidon. His father would race out to follow up on the lead or the sighting, just to return his face even more defeated than before, and lock himself in his chambers for days.

Triton couldn't put him through that again, so he just walked over, nudging his father softly.

"Come on, you'll be more comfortable in bed father." He said softly. Poseidon stirred slowly looking at him groggily, obviously confused from lack of sleep.

"Percy?" He muttered, voice hopeful. Triton's heart squeezed painfully, it was difficult to see his usually stoic and strong father look so confused and vulnerable.

"No, father it's me, Triton. Sleeping like this can't be comfortable, come on, lets go to bed." Poseidon still looked a bit confused, but he muttered;

"Sleep, bed? Damn it! I fell asleep, I have to look for.."

"Perseus, I know, but you are in no condition to do anything right now father, you need sleep" Triton interrupted, helping his father up and steering him towards the huge bed, when Poseidon tried to go towards the door, determined to keep looking for his son.

"Triton, I have to keep looking, I have to.." Poseidon kept muttering, as Triton sat him at the edge of the bed, lying his father down on the soft bed, before covering him with the silken covers. Poseidon struggled softly, to softly. He had probably slept way less than what Triton had originally thought, he wasn't putting all his strength into his struggles, Poseidon knew he needed to sleep. So he gave up and let sleep take him, but not before looking at Triton gratefully.

\Present time/

Triton had been swimming for hours, following the faint signal that had awakened him from his state of half sleep. The signal was growing stronger now, he was close.

Triton slowed down when he came to the place where a strong current from a river collided with the ocean, bubbles created by the currents making a light show on the ocean floor. The signal was coming from here, but Triton could not see anything out of the ordinary.

He searched without result and decided to head back home, when something caught his eye. Glinting in the sparse sunlight that reached the ocean floor. There was something inside one of the spaces the current had dug out of the mountainside. Triton swam closer, he readied his trident...

Was that a tail!?

It was! Triton dropped his trident and rushed to help whoever was lying absolutely still, face down, on the ocean floor. Kneeling beside the... mermaid? No, merman. Whoever it was had a beautiful sleek tail, which shimmered with different shades of blue, rather pale skin and a mop of unruly black hair.

Turning him over resulted in the entire ocean floor swirling up, creating a cloud of mud, algae and other... stuff. When it slowly settled back down, Triton got a good look on the merman he found, reeling back in shock.


Thank you for reading! I know I promised a long chapter, but the Percy's POV, and return to the palace is still under editing, and I thought I would just update this first, and then the rest tomorrow:)

Review and vote please!

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