The Lunch Pt.2

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Chapter 11: The Lunch Part Two
DISCLAIMER: I'm afraid I'm not a man, or named Rick...

Thank you everyone who voted! I will be posting the results as soon as I do a count!

This is... The Lunch... Part 2!

Percy and his dad arrived at the table, red-faced and panting.

Amphitrite was standing in front of them giving them both a mock-glare "Darling... when did I say you where to arrive for breakfast?"

Poseidon looked at his wife sheepishly,

"Sorry, we got caught up"

"When, Poseidon?"

Poseidon grumbled something under his breath, before replying "Three minutes ago"

"Exactly, and stop mumbling!"

Percy and Triton snickered at their dad, who looked like a three year old getting scolded by his mom.

Amphitrite turned, and sat down at one end of the table, Poseidon taking the other. Percy and Triton sat facing each other in between them.

The table wasn't especially big, obviously only made for just six or eight people.

Amphitrite spoke up "Well, we have some important matters to attend to. Firstly, Perseus' coronation, then..."

"Excuse me! My what!?" Percy said almost spitting out his food.

"Poseidon! You didn't tell him?" Amphitrite scolded.

"I hadn't quite gotten that far..."

My what?"

"You're coronation Percy..." Poseidon said, "I was supposed to ask you yesterday, but you weren't well.. So, what do you say?"

Amphitrite, Triton and Poseidon was staring at Percy expectantly.

"Me... a prince? Me?" Percy looked thoroughly confused now.

"Yes you, of course we'll have to talk to you about your duties, get your servants ready, start lessons on etiquette, dance lessons must be arranged, we need a formal coronation ball, an introduction party, also we have to..."

Triton didn't get any further as Percy got up from his chair and started backing away.

"Percy, don't back away... Perseus! Poseidon called out as Percy rushed out the door.

The remaining at the table staring at the spot Percy had been a only few seconds ago.

Poseidon groaned "Triton! Did you need to throw all of that on him BEFORE he had accepted? Come on! We have to find your before a sea-serpent does. Amphitrite, can you stay in the palace, in case he comes back?"

Amphitrite nodded "I will"

"Thank you, Triton you look east of Atlantis, I look the other way."

"How do you know he ran that far of?" Triton asked

"He's a lot more like me, or you, than you think... If someone would try to do something that you thought would take away your freedom, would you stay around?"

"No, probably not..."

Exactly, the sea doesn't like being restrained, remember? Now let's go. I'm sure he'll be fine, but he has many enemies as The Bane of Monsters"

Poseidon and Triton left to look for Percy, who was a bit further away than they thought.

Percy's POV

Percy was swimming fast... like, really fast. He was using the currents to propel himself through the sea.

Many would probably be thrilled to be offered prince hood, but Percy wasn't them.

Dance and etiquette lessons? Percy snorted, that was so not his style.

He needed some time to think. Suddenly Amphitrite and Triton, could... well, tolerate him. Like over night!

Percy slowed down, and continued swimming for a few hours, until he reached a beautiful coral reef.

Exhausted he sat down on a bed of... well, something soft.

Fishes swam around him lazily, occasionally bumping softly against him.

He sighed, why was his life so complicated? He should probably return before his dad got worried, or mad, but he was so tired!

Laying down, to just rest his eyes couldn't hurt. Maybe sleeping in a foreign reef wasn't smart, but he wasn't going to sleep!

Just... Rest... His... Eyes...

His eyes slid closed as he lost the fight with consciousness, and his head hit the... soft thing, with a low "Squishhhh"

No one's POV

Many hours later in Atlantis

Poseidon and Triton had returned empty-handed.

Amphitrite sighed as Poseidon entered their bedroom, wearing a worried and tired expression.

"I'm sure he is fine, my lord. He probably left for the surface.."

That made Poseidon's face fall further.

"I know... Now, he probably doesn't want to be here with me anymore"

"That's not what I meant, he just needs some time to think.. Tomorrow, why don't you ask Chiron, if he's seen him. If he hasn't... send some guards out"

"I should've done that already!"

When Poseidon tried to get up, Amphitrite seized his hand.

"Sleep, my lord. If something was wrong, you would sense it, wouldn't you?"

"I would"

"Then sleep, I'm sure he'll return when he's ready..."

Percy's POV

When Percy woke up, the waters where almost pitch black... The previously colorful reef, was almost impossible to see.

The fishes were still out, their voices only soft whispers.

"Little lord"

"Son of the Sea God"

Sitting up, Percy tried to figure out were he was. Looking around, he could not automatically see where he was, which was starting to worry him.

He was lost in his home turf... great...

As he stood up, a wave of dizziness hit him, his legs felt like jelly and he hit the ground with a "thump"

He tried once more, only to have the same outcome.

Percy was starting to panic, he was alone, in the dark, and his legs wouldn't work!

"Come on! Stupid legs! Work!" He whispered loudly

"Aargh! Come on!" A little louder this time.

He was about to give it another try when he heard a low voice out in the dark waters.

"Hello? Where are you? Is there a little boy out there all alone? Come out, come out wherever you are! Come to daddy!"

Creep! Percy's mind was screaming. Get out! Get out!

He focused, only to panic, as he didn't feel the familiar tug in his gut. He was without legs, or powers...

The voice getting closer.

He was screwed.

OOOOH... Cliffhanger... Creeper-alert!


What will happen next? Who's the creeper? What does the creeper want? Ransom from his father? Hold Percy hostage? Sell him to someone even creepier? MARRIAGE?

How will Poseidon react? Or Triton? What will they do?

Tell me what you think should happen in a review!

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