The departure

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Chapter 3: The departure
DISCLAIMER: Am I Rick Riordan? I wish...

New chapter! Yay! Hope u like it. ~Moon.

Percy was excited, he was more than excited. He was going to go stay with his dad! The time was set, his father would pick him up today. TODAY! It's been two weeks since Poseidon visited in the night. Since then, Poseidon had built a room for him in the palace, right next to the Sea gods own! While building he had visited asking Percy what kind of bed he wanted, and what color for the furniture, he had answered big and blue, it was a very short visit.

Even better, the day Poseidon came to pick him up, the camp was basically a huge market, with the Hephaestus and Athena cabin showing new weapons and inventions, the Demeter and Dionysus cabin selling strawberries dipped in chocolate and drinks, the Ares cabin having matches and extra training, the Aphrodite cabin having make-up tutorials and something they called a 'Find your style' competition, the Hermes cabin was also giving tutorials only theirs where about 'find your inner prankster'. And the entire roman camp was visiting, joining their greek siblings with selling and teaching, chatting and having fun.

Percy mostly walked around eating chocolate-dipped strawberries and helping the Ares/Mars kids teach special tricks used in an one-on-one fight.

He was all packed and just wandering around aimlessly, waiting for the hours to tick by. Up until now he had been nothing but excited and happy, but as the hours went by he became increasingly nervous. What if he disappointed his dad, what if Amphitrite and Triton didn't warm up to him, and his dad realized that the demigod was nothing but trouble, what if his fathers wife or son had enough of Percy, and actually fed him to something?

For every minute that passed the green-eyed boy had found another reason for this to go to hell, so when his dad was probably on his way, Percy was about to piss himself.

The sun was hanging low on the sky, but the demigods weren't even closed to tired, the blame was on the ADHD, and an overdose with chocolate-dipped strawberries. This was it, any time now...

"Wow, who scared you? Whoever it was, I don't want to meet, cause you look like you're about to bail." Someone chuckled behind him. Jason. "That obvious, huh?" Percy said, turning around, giving Jason a half-hearted glare. The blond just laughed "Don't look at me like that, I assure you, if we switched places, I'd be close to pissing myself as well." Percy was about to argue that he wasn't scared, but realized quickly that there was no use, he was nauseous and felt light headed, he was terrified. Instead he just mumbled "Shut up Grace"

Suddenly the loud laughs and arguments (stuff a few hundred ADHD demigods in one place, there are bound to be some.) quieted down. A mini typhoon was starting to form in the middle of camp, it was surrounded by a strong sea-green aura, (dramatic sudden appearances runs in the family) It glowed brighter until everyone had to look away, before it dimmed and vanished, leaving a tall figure with the stature of a god.

Percy did not immediately recognize him, as he was wearing not the usual khaki-shorts and Hawaiian-shirt, but a blue shirt buttoned down on the top, white skinny-jeans and sunglasses on his head. Except that, he looked in his late twenties or early thirties with raven hair, quite sharp features, a small goatee, and the familiar, piercing, green eyes.

Everyone except Percy knelt to the god, who just gave his dad the famous Jackson-grin. Poseidon returned the grin with a gesture of his hand, signaling for the rest of the demigods to rise. "Ah, uncle! What brings you here?" Dionysus said with mock-happiness, appearing from the Big House. "I'm just picking someone up, don't mind me" Poseidon replied smoothly, giving Dionysus a challenging look. "And breaking a few ancient laws... are you sure father will be okay with this?" Dionysus said slyly. "Well, considering I already asked..I" Poseidon started but was interrupted by Dionysus "Asked?" He snorted "Okay what method did you use? Just the regular threat, or the "if you don't let me do what I want I will throw you of Olympus and take over as King of the gods?" threat?" Dionysus said, obviously eager for an answer, Poseidon just looked at him smugly "Oh, wouldn't you want to know..." He said in mock-sympathy. "Now move along nephew, as always it was such a pleasure seeing you" The Sea God continued his voice laced with sarcasm. Dionysus grumbled to himself about annoying uncles and their brats, and walked back in where he came from.

Poseidon turned back to Percy "So kiddo, ready to go?" he said, the grin returning. Percy just laughed and walked up to him, not noticing the looks of happiness and a bit of longing for what he had, on his friends faces, or the looks of envy and pure jealousy of the ones that didn't get along with him. Even though it did not go unnoticed by his father who grumbled in his mind, but let it go as he saw the look of happiness on his sons face "Always" Percy replied as Poseidon slung his arm around him and the entire world started to fade away.

THANK YOU FOR READING! Virtual cookies to all who review!(::)(::)

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