Perseus Pt.2 + A/N

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Hey y'all! I know this chapter is a little short but it leads to something big (and potentially dangerous). I know that the books make it seem that Triton and Poseidon don't have a good relationship but in this fanfiction they have a very strong one, Triton and his mother don't have a good relationship. Hope you like this chapter.

Triton's POV

I swam to my baby brother in a frantic rush, when I reached him I desperately tried to shake him awake to no avail. When I finally let go of him I realized that I was crying. I was very surprised considering I haven't cried since my daughter Pallas died. When I looked back at Percy I realized that he stirred but then didn't move again, this made me realize that he wasn't dead. I picked him up gently and swam as fast as I could back to the palace he stirred a couple of times but then fell back asleep.

* Time skip to when they get to the palace*

Once I got into the palace I swam straight to the royal infirmary and called over the doctors. They took him to a bed and closed the curtains so I swam to my father. I'm found him sitting on his throne with his eyes close clutching his trident. I carefully walked towards him and grabbed his free hand and squeezed slightly. He opened his eyes and squeezed my hand back, then pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and he whispered in my ear

* Poseidon's POV*

I leaned into my sons ear a whispered "I'm scared for your brother Triton. I can feel that he is near but very weak." After I finished whispering to him he went out of the hug and looked me into my eyes. Sea green staring at sea green.

*Triton's POV*

I look my dad in they eyes and said "I did it dad, I found Percy and I brought him to the infirmary." I watched as his face went from worn and tired to shocked to happy in mere seconds. he jumped up, grabbed me by my hand then swam very fast to the infirmary while dragging me.

*  Poseidon's POV*

Triton and I entered the infirmary immediately saw doctors and nurses treating a teen with familiar raven black hair.  I felt my throat close when I looked at my boy, he looked very pale and had many cuts and bruises on his body from what I could see. When I find out who did this I will kill them for hurting my pride and joy. While I was going over different ways on how I could kill the person who did his to my baby, when I was going over 20 different ways I could kill them I didn't realize that Percy was stirring and Triton was tugging on my arm.

*Percy's POV*

When I woke up, all I saw were bright lights and noises coming in from all directions. After what was 5 seconds (but felt like an eternity), all the noises in the room suddenly stopped and the lights dimmed. I wanted to look around but when I tried to turn my head, it sent a excruciating pain down my spine. So I groaned and laid back down. A couple minuets later, I felt I was being injected with some sort of needle in my right arm. I wanted to back away considering I hated needles, (Yes I know, the savior of Olympus is scared of a needle but I'm not ashamed of it.) but I was strapped down to the bed the two sets of hands. I look up to see my father and Triton holding me down while staring at me. My dad had a tired but happy look on his face while Triton had a tired and annoyed look on his face. I was going to talk to them but when they pulled the needle out of my arm, the world started to spin and go black and the last thing I saw was Oceanus and his servant with a smirk on their faces...

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