Getting everything ready

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Another chapter! Yay! That's two chapters in one day! This is about Poseidons day before getting Percy! ~Moon

The day before picking Percy up

Poseidon was nervous, yes you read right, the frikkin' God of the frikkin' Sea was NERVOUS!

He was pacing in the throne room, he'd been happy and excited until this morning, when he realized; He was having his 16 year old son over, what if he screwed up? What if Percy was hurt by some psycho atlantean? Everyone knew about his arrival by now, the entire kingdom was eager to see this great hero, everyone wanted a glimpse of the sea prince. What if he himself lost his temper? Everyone knew of the Sea Gods temper, but what if he said something stupid, and Percy ran off. Or even worse, what if he DID something stupid?

He was in so deep thought that he did not hear Triton until he called out, almost screaming "My lord!" Where had he gone wrong with this one? One day he just stopped calling him dad, or showing any kind of affection towards him whatsoever, they had a fight, it was so long ago now that he no longer could remember what they fought about. Probably something stupid, he had probably lost his temper and said something unforgivable to his son. What if he did the same to Percy? He could not live with both his sons hating him.

He tried covering up his worries with a tired smile, but it came of as a grimace. "Triton, what can I do for you?" Poseidon said lovingly, swallowing a half sigh, half sob as his eyes met ice-cold blue ones. Also back before they fought, Poseidon swore Tritons eyes had his sea-green color, his son must've changed it, whatever Poseidon did it must've been bad. "We're done repairing the barracks, training goes back to full capacity tomorrow. We encountered some stray sea-monsters, they were dealt with." Triton replied coldly. "Thank you Triton, anything else?" Poseidon said, trying to detect anything but hate and distastefulness in his sons eyes and voice.

"Stop pacing. You're ruining the floors, also your nervousness about having your other 'son' over is well placed, we both know Olympians aren't the best parents, but is it really necessary to flood the islands in the Atlantic?" Triton answered, his voice even colder than earlier, those ice-blue eyes staring at him, the color was just wrong, the color and Tritons voice making him feel sick.

"Oh, I did not realize that I was harming anyone, I will calm myself. Thank you for the update, you should go back to attend to your duties." Poseidon said, covering his sadness with a strict voice filled with authority, he knew that it didn't help the cause of getting closer to Triton. But the Sea God, as all his children, either showed no emotion, hiding behind a mask. Or all emotion, wrecking countries with floods, earthquakes, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

And the second option, was hard, because it could never be taken back.

Triton bowed with a "Yes sire" before turning sharply and walking out. Poseidon slumped in his throne, sighing frustrated. He had to make sure everything was done before he could go and get Percy. Servants. He knew Percy most likely would disagree, but a prince would need it. An idea hit him, prince, Percy deserved a title, to show everyone he was his son.

Walking out of the throne room he sent for all the servants, both apprentices and already hired ones, before going down to the forges. "Hephareus!" He called out to the head of the forges, his most skilled cyclops. "Yes, milord? What can I do for you?" the cyclops replied, stepping out from behind one of the fires.

"Perseus will be crowned Prince, during his visit. I need a crown, bracelets with the royal seal and a trident. I want it made of the finest metals and gems. I want it made with a base of Atlantean silver, with other precious metals making up the details. The gems should be perfectly cut, Perseus loves blue, but get some green ones as well, to match his eyes." Poseidon answers slowly, letting the cyclops write down what he is saying. "Milord, all Atlantean silver? That is one of the rarest metals we have, and those gems will be hard to find, if you want them to match his eyes, we'll need the kind on your own crown, as it is the only gem that has that color. Do you want it sealed with magic?" The cyclops replies gruffly, "You have my permission to use any metals you want from the royal safe. Also I will bring it to Hecate for the magic sealing, I will infuse the power myself." The Sea God answers "Any special design?" Hephareus asks "Just that it should have the design of my crown and trident, only for a prince that doesn't like too fancy things" He chuckles the last part, the cyclops gives a light bow before setting of to work.

Returning to the throne room, all his servants have been gathered. As he walks past them to sit at his throne they bow and great him. Sitting down he announces "As you all know, Perseus, soon to be Prince Perseus, will be arriving today." The servants nods to the first part, and looks surprised, but excited for the news.

Only one raises his voice "will there be a coronation?" "Yes, soon, therefor you will be wise to call him by his title, unless he tells you not to, and you are permitted by me." Poseidon answers, before continuing "But, the position of his personal servant is yet to be filled"

At this the servants broke out murmuring excitedly. "As you all know, the personal servant, gets an enormous pay rise, and a personal chamber. Everyone who wants this position please write your name on the list that will be placed at the servant sleeping hall at 17:00 today, but it will be removed at 17:15, so you should hurry up, as it is 16:58 at this moment." Poseidon paused before continuing "You are dismissed!"

Every servant rushed out the door after a quick bow, storming of to write their name on the list before it was taken down. Poseidon shook his head, chuckling, everyone was very excited for Percy to arrive, even without the pay raise and the chambers they would've been just as eager.

His heart beat a bit faster as he left for camp to pick up Percy, he tried to not do an sudden dramatic appearance, but by the surprised and awed looks he was given by the campers, he failed miserably. He spotted Percy standing on the other side of the grass, it looked like he didn't recognize him for a second. Poseidon couldn't blame him though, Amphitrite had enough of his dear khaki-shorts and Hawaiian-shirts. Now she had gotten him an entire new wardrobe, sometimes that woman drove him crazy, and not in a good way.

When Percy recognized him, his son sent him a large grin, which made the rest of his life seem just a tiny bit better, he couldn't help it but send him a just as happy smile. He realized that all the demigods were bowing, and gestured for them to rise.

Just then he heard the voice he was hoping to avoid after a little feud over a nymph a couple years ago. "Ah, uncle! What brings you here?" Dionysus said with mock-happiness, appearing from the Big House. "I'm just picking someone up, don't mind me" Poseidon replied as smoothly as possible, giving Dionysus the most challenging look he could manage. "And breaking a few ancient laws... are you sure father will be okay with this?" Dionysus said slyly. "Well, considering I already asked..I" Poseidon started but was interrupted by Dionysus "Asked?" He snorted "Okay what method did you use? Just the regular threat, or the "if you don't let me do what I want I will throw you of Olympus and take over as King of the gods?" threat?" Dionysus said, obviously eager for an answer, Poseidon just looked at him smugly "Oh, wouldn't you want to know..." He said in mock-sympathy. "Now move along nephew, as always it was such a pleasure seeing you" The Sea God continued his voice laced with sarcasm. Dionysus grumbled to himself about annoying uncles and their brats, and walked back in where he came from.

He turned back to Percy, "So, kiddo, you ready to go?" Percy grinned and walked towards him, Poseidon couldn't help but notice the looks of envy and jealously on a few of the campers faces, as his son walked past them. He might have to do something about them if they didn't leave his son alone, his thinking was interrupted as Percy stepped up to him with the large grin still on his face. The green eyed boy replied "Always" as Poseidon laid his arm around him and teleported them away.

~This and the previous chapters are just to show how each of them feel about the arrangement, and also the way Triton acts toward Percy will have something to do with Triton and Poseidons relationship.

THANK YOU FOR READING! Virtual cookies to everyone who reviews! (::)(::)

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