A New Begining

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Life for the teenage trio life changed tremendously since their last major road block. AJ was able to get Dean and Sami real jobs at the comic book store. Now she was allowed to be around them all the time when they worked considering she was the manager and all. Finn got AJ a second job at the flea market with him selling custom made t-shirts while the boys were doing wrestling gigs around the area on weekends. The group was able to rent an apartment with the money they pitched in also with the help of Naomi's dad who owned the apartment complexes.

The slate was finally wiped clean. The air was breathable. And the weights on their heads were lifted. To top it all off, Dean and Sami finally stopped drinking and smoking which made AJ really happy. They both looked so much healthier and neither were sleeping until noon anymore. It felt really good not to be waking up with a hangover either.

The apartment wasn't anything glamorous but it was a step up from the trailer. Sami actually made a couple grand when he sold it. Their new home consisted of a small kitchen, living room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. Sami had his own room and obviously Dean and AJ shared one. The best thing about the apartment was the space and beds. Finally no more tripping over furniture or sleeping on lumpy mattresses and pull out couches.

"Wake up guys!" AJ called from the kitchen. They walked in being welcomed by the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast. "You guys want me to make you a smoothie on the side."

"That'd be awesome." Sami said, digging into his food. "This tastes amazing."

"This is the greatest thing in the world." Dean added, then shoved more food in his mouth.

"Well everybody loves bacon." AJ said.

"It's not that." Sami washed his food down with his smoothie, "Do you know how long it's been since we've had a home cooked meal?"

"Man I can hardly remember the last time I actually ate breakfast that wasn't stale cereal."

"Oh! I remember. Our first day of school when we were 5. Now that my friend was great."

"What was so special about it?" AJ asked.

Dean put his fork down, the memory making him smile a bit just by thinking of it. "I didn't want to walk into school alone so I had Sami come over so we could leave together."

Sami jumped in, "When I got there I smelled omelets and sausage and oh my gosh it was awesome!"

Dean chuckled, "My mom made us breakfast before my dad would take us to school. The good ol' days when we would eat together as a family without it resulting in arguing."

"Yeah. All great things gotta come to an end though." Sami said, putting the dishes in the sink.

"Dean, if you don't mind me asking. What happened to your dad?"

Dean scratched the back of his head, "After he lost his job he started drinking a lot then would beat me and my mom. On my sixth birthday my mom took me and Sami to the park cuz we didn't have anymore money to do anything special. Which I didn't have a problem with. Anyways, we came home and my mom caught my dad in bed with a prostitute." Dean sighed, "After that they got divorced, he took all the money out of her savings account, plus the money she stored away that she was saving so I could go to college. And if that wasn't enough he ended up kicking us out of the house."

AJ felt so bad for bringing Dean's dad up. He looked really hurt after sharing the story. "Sorry I asked."

"Nah, don't worry about it." Dean got up kissing AJ on the head, "It was years ago. I'm over it." he lied. Deep down the divorce really did hurt him, it left a scar on his conscience. Dean, secretly blamed himself for the divorce. If only we would have been out of the house a while longer then this wouldn't have happened.


"Dean! Sami! I told you not to get too close to the pond. One of you is going to fall in and I'm not going to jump in to help you." Sharon told the 6 year old boys.

"Mrs.Ambrose, we just wanna touch one of the ducks." Sami explained, crouching closer to the water.

"Almost there." Dean struggled, trying his hardest to touch the duck. He was a fingertip away from petting the duck then SPLASH!

Sharon got up from the bench, running to her son, "Dean! Are you okay?"

Sami put his hand out, offering to help Dean out of the water. "Now I am!" he pulled Sami in with him.

Sami splashed in the water, "That was fun!"

"Boys, now you're both all wet. We gotta go home early now and get you two cleaned up."

Dean caught a duck holding it under his arm as Sami pet the ducks head, "It was worth it." The boys laughed as did Sharon.

-End Flashback-

AJ tapped on Dean's shoulder, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" he put his plate in the sink then went to take a shower.

AJ grabbed his hand, "I love you."

Dean couldn't help but smile. "I love you too." he said, pecking her lips.

A/N: Imma be honest, this chapter was hard to write. I didn't know where to begin. Now that the crew is settled into their new home what other things will they go through? I also added why Dean's dad left cuz idk maybe I'll go somewhere with that. Or not. Until next time!


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