My Heart Is A Fist

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My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again
My heart is a fist drenched in blood
my soul will rise again

Take a look at these hollow eyes- one last look before I say goodbye
To this candle-lit nightmare I feel like can never escape

So watch me fall from grace - watch me carve my hate
In the heart of a lover I feel I can never escape my fate

Finn and AJ arrived at school together being introduced by everybody starring and talking about them. Finn wanted to explain to everybody that nothing was going on between them but AJ said nobody deserved an explanation. All she was concerned with was who took that picture.

The duo walked to their lockers together considering they were right next to each other. "AJ, are you alright? You seem really angry."

AJ rolled her eyes at Finn then slammed her locker. It was really hard for her to cry about her and Dean breaking up and him kicking her out. Maybe it was because of all the other crap that she's been put through. Working for Jack and even having his blood on her hands definitely made her a little cold on the inside. The only feeling she had towards this situation was anger.

"Finn, can you please shut the hell up? I don't need you to constantly be worrying about me. I'm fine. I just need to find Dean."

Finn really didn't like AJ's attitude right now. He understood why she was acting like this but it wasn't an excuse to be treating him like this. "Found him." he pointed to Dean who was at the vending machine at the end of the hall.

"Dean!" AJ yelled. Dean rolled his eyes ignoring his ex-girlfriend. She put her hand on his shoulder turning him around roughly to face her. "Don't you have something you want to say to me?"

Dean grabbed his Mt.Dew from the machine then cracked it open, taking a sip. "Nope." he answered, taking another drink. "But don't you have something you want to say to me? Like an apology?"

"Apology?! Apology for what?! I did nothing wrong!"

"So, cheating on me wasn't wrong?"

"I didn't cheat on you!" AJ yelled.

"Me and AJ were in a play and the script called for a kissing scene." Finn explained.

Dean turned his attention to Finn, gritting his teeth. "You stay out of this, Devitt. It's taking all I have to not kick your teeth down your throat."

"Don't talk to him like that!" AJ defended. "Just cuz you got caught making out with that tampon headed slut doesn't give you the right to-"

"Me getting caught?" Dean laughed dryly, "You got it all wrong sweetheart. I wasn't cheating on you. Eva came on to me."

"Yeah cuz you're such a ladies man." AJ said sarcastically. "Why don't you just admit that you were cheating on me?"

"Because I wasn't! I saw the picture of you two, so there's no denying that you were doing stuff behind my back. You could have told me that you were in a play but you kept it a secret from me!"

"I didn't tell you because you are a short tempered psycho who always has to get his way or else he throws a fit. You would have never let me do the play cuz you always have to have the final say so in everything! You're just trying to make me look like the bad guy!"

"And it begins! Little AJ, always making herself seem like the victim! When are you ever going to admit that you've done wrong too? You act like its only me who messes up!"

"Because it is you that always messes up!" AJ argued.

"There you go again. I'm sick of you always thinking that you're right all the time!"

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