(Pt.1) Never Let Me Go

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"Brie? What are you doing here?" Dean asked.

Brie rubbed her arms as she sighed shakily, "Can I come in?" Dean stepped aside to let her through the door leading Brie to the couch where she sat down. "I need to tell you guys something."

"Better be important." Paige said, drinking her grape soda.

"You already know that picture of Finn and AJ was taken when they were rehearsing for a play right? Well... do you know who took the picture?"

"Eva?" Sami guessed. "It had to be. She was the only one who had the picture before someone sent it to the whole school."

Brie shook her head, "It wasn't Eva. It was Randy." everybody looked at each other trying to see if they heard that correctly.

"Why would he do that?" Paige asked.

Brie gave her an unsure look, "Oh that's right. You don't know about his history with AJ. Before she was with Dean she used to date Randy. They were together for a little over a year."

Dean felt his anger rise. He hated Randy Orton and everything about him. The mention of his and AJ's name in the same sentence irritated him. "Okay who cares. Can you get on with it?" He rushed.

"Randy never got over AJ. He was waiting for a chance to sabotage your relationship so he could swoop in looking like the good guy. Which he already did by helping AJ after the fight." Brie explained.

"So far it makes sense." Sami replied.

"Next thing was to get you two to fall out of love."

"That's a check for Dean." Paige added. "But I know deep down AJ still loves him. I can tell by the way she looks at him whenever he passes by. Nothing Dean does will ever make AJ hate him."

"Exactly." Brie agreed. "Randy knew this was going to happen. That's why at prom he payed off Eva to make out with Dean so AJ would think he was cheating. Even though she may still love him she'll never be able to fully trust him again."

Dean balled his hands into fists. Knowing somebody ruined the best relationship he's ever had out of jealousy made him want to go kill Randy. "I was the idiot who took that to the next level and slept with Eva when I was shit faced drunk."

"Eva is creepily obsessed with you Dean." Brie informed. "Madly in love with you too. She agreed to do this so when AJ's out of the picture for good you'd be so desperate to find love again that you'd have to go out with her."

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What do you mean 'when AJ's out of the picture for good?' Like she'd be with Randy?" Sami asked trying to put the pieces together. This whole plan was so complicated that not even a genius like him could comprehend this all at once.

"Sort of. That brings me to the final part of their plan. Randy's moving back to Missouri." she paused. "And he asked AJ to go with him."

"What?!" the trio yelled in unison.

"Yeah. Their flight leaves tomorrow morning."

Paige jumped off the couch, "We gotta stop her! She can't leave with Randy."

Sami stood beside his girlfriend, "I agree. First thing tomorrow morning we are going to that airport to tell AJ that she's making the biggest mistake of her life."

Brie stood up too, joining them. "Count me in!" she smiled.

"What do you say Dean? Ready to get your girl back?" Sami asked, knowing the answer would be yes.

"No." Dean answered.

Well that's not what he was supposed to say. They all thought.

"What do you mean no?" Sami asked, not understanding what Dean's deal was.

"I don't want to stop her. Maybe this is what's best for the both of us."

"Are you hearing yourself right now?" Paige shouted. "You sound stupider than usual."

"Better get your girlfriend in check." Dean told Sami, who held Paige back from punching Dean in the face. "I'm just saying. It's a possibility all of this is happening for a reason."

"Don't give me that superstitious crap." Sami scoffed. "You and AJ are made for each other."

"Yeah." Brie jumped in. "You guys were the perfect couple. You need to work this out."

"I'm sick of everybody telling me what I need to do!" Dean yelled. "I don't want this! You guys are like a swarm of vultures circling around my head! Leave it be!" he took a minute to catch his breath. "AJ's leaving. She's moving on and I should to. I'm tired of constantly being angry about this. I need a break."

Brie rubbed her head, "But Dean..."

"Stop." Sami ordered. "He knows what he's doing. Leave him be."

"I appreciate you coming over here to tell us this Brie. Thanks. Unfortunately, I refuse to do anything about it." Dean thanked, walking Brie to the door. "Good night." he told her before closing the door and locking himself in his room.

"Do you honestly believe that he's going to let AJ leave with Randy?" Paige whispered.

"I don't know. I can't even read Dean anymore. Ever since Jack, both Dean and AJ have been really disturbed in their own ways."

"Who's Jack?"

"Hm? Nobody." Sami lied, knowing it wasn't his place to be putting his friends business out in the open. "Let's just say we've had a traumatic experience in the past and became a bit emotionally disturbed. Obviously, some more than others." Sami stopped himself before he could say anything else. "I'm going to bed. You should get home."

"Yeah. Bye Sami." She hugged and kissed him goodbye.

Sami went to his room about to close the door until a hand was holding the other side of the door knob. "You okay, Dean?"
A/N: minor cliff hanger. If you were shocked by the leaving thing I hinted last chapter by mentioning the song Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold. It had a specific role in this & last chapter.

Song: Snuff by Slipknot

Prepare yourself for pt.2!

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