Shopping and Panicing

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So much was running through AJ's mind. It was as if everything was going her way. She had a hot boyfriend, popularity, friends, got promoted at work, and was going to be able to party with the cool kids.

"Hey, Sami. Could you drop me off at the mall?" AJ asked.

Sami raised his eyebrow, "What for?"

"To spend my paycheck. What else?"

"Why can't you ask Dean?"

AJ looked around, "Do you see him anywhere, smart guy?" Dean was out working for Jack again. Like always. AJ didn't think that she could ever get used to Dean being gone all night. But he did have a way of making up for it when he got back. He would come in late and join AJ on the pull out couch while she slept. She always found it easier to sleep with Dean there right by her side.

Sami groaned lazily, grabbing his keys from the counter. "You coming or not?" he rushed.

"Lemme get my shoes on." AJ grabbed her messenger bag because she totally did not dig purses and followed Sami out the door.

"Call me when you're ready." Sami said.

"Will do." AJ closed the door and ran into the building. She normally didn't wear dresses or heels because those things just weren't her style. There's a first time for everything though. Brie said to wear something nice and by god that's exactly what AJ was going to do.

She walked into an expensive looking store called Wet Seal. They had dresses hanging up and down the walls and boxes of shoes stacked on the shelves. Everybody in the store was so girly looking and stuck up. She felt so out of place and just wanted to walk out of there. AJ walked back about to exit the store until one of the employees approached her.

"My name is JoJo. How could I help you today?" the girl smiled. She had tan skin, super curly brown hair, and wore a white tube top with black leggings with a gold zipper at the bottom and a pair or black heels with gold spikes decorating them.

"Uhhh, do you guys sell party dresses? You know nothing to revealing but something super cute?"

"I think we got exactly what you're looking for." JoJo said walking to the back of the store grabbing a dress off of the wall. "Tada!"

JoJo pulled out a small black dress with skulls and pink flowers decorated onto in. It had to be the most cutest dress AJ has ever seen that she wouldn't mind being caught wearing.

"I'll take it!" AJ clapped her hands.

"If I may, I'd like to suggest a couple of accessories." JoJo and AJ walked over to the jewelry section. "Here we have a bracelet with gold skulls making up the entire piece. And along with the bracelet we have gold studded skull earrings that complete the entire outfit."

"How much? I actually came on a budget." she explained.

"The original total would be $250 for everything in all. But if you purchase a pair of heels from the rack to your left, I'll drop the price to $180. Deal?"

"Deal." AJ smiled shaking JoJo's hand. She began searching through the shoes that would go perfectly with her outfit but she had one problem. She didn't even know how to pick out what heels looked good with what? She didn't know whether to wear straps, pointed toe, stilettos.

"Erhem!" JoJo cleared her throat obviously trying to get her costumers attention. "One more suggestion. If I were you I'd get the black heels with gold studs around them." AJ kneeled down grabbing the shoes in her size. "Perfect. Follow me to the cash register." JoJo strutted to the register in a sassy manner. "I'm telling you girl, you're going to be the hottest one at the party with this outfit." she complimented.

"I hope so."
"Where's AJ" Dean asked walking into the trailer.

"At the mall." Sami answered, flipping through channels on the TV.

"Why didn't you go with her?!"

Sami gave Dean an -are you kidding me- face. "Dude, she's a big girl. I'm pretty sure she's capable of going to the mall by herself."

Dean rolled his eyes, "When did you drop her off?"

"About 2 1/2 hours ago. I don't get why you're getting so worked up about it. She'll be fine."

"2 1/2 hours! Sami thats too long! Something could have happened to her! That's it I'm going to go find her." Dean panicked opening the door until Sami cut him off, closing it.

"Yo. Calm your ass down. Chicks take forever when they're shopping. It's normal. Just sit back and have a beer. Relax."

"How can I relax when-!"

ring-ring! ring-ring!

Sami took his cell out of his pocket, showing Dean the caller ID. "Hello?" Dean tried snatching his phone but Sami ran passed him. "Alright I'll be there in 10." He hung up the phone. "See I told you. She's fine." He said walking out the door.

"I'm coming too!" Dean ran after him.
AJ waited on the bench outside the mall for Sami to pick her up. In about 10 minutes he showed up as promised. But he wasn't alone. Dean was sitting in the front seat not looking very happy. AJ opened the door getting in the backseat placing her shopping bags on the floor.

They drove in awkward silence until Sami decided to speak. "So what'd you get that it took over 2 hours?"

"Oh you know. Bras and panties." she lied. "And I grabbed a quick bite."

"You could have called or texted me that you were going out." Dean commented sounding a bit angry.

Sami looked at him, "Dude, she's fine. No reason to freak out about it."

Dean was about to fire back, "No, Sami. He's right. I should have called or texted him. I'm sorry baby."

Dean's heart melted after hearing AJ call him baby. How could he stay mad at someone as adorable as her? "It's okay. I'm sorry for getting mad."

"Wow, she's got you by the balls." Sami joked, receiving a punch to the arm by Dean. "Ow! I'm driving." Sami rubbed his arm. "So AJ. Is Dean going to be able to see you in your new bra and panties?" he joked again. This time receiving a slap to the back of the head by AJ. "Ow! I was joking!"
A/N: awwww everyone is having a good time 😊 except Sami of course 😂. As AJ gets ready for the Bella's birthday bash how will she be able to keep this secret from Sami and Dean? Especially Dean, considering how over protective he is. Find out next chapter! Btw it's gonna be a pretty lengthy chapter so hope you like it!


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