Dodging Consequences

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They opened the door to leave and ran into the unexpected.


Everyone was thinking the same thing FUCK...

Mrs.Rae, Summer's mom/principal, was at the door and she didn't look happy. She too was covered in the disgusting balloon filling. "All of you come with me." she demanded in a calm yet hateful tone. The students followed her to her office and took a seat. "What is the meaning of all this?" she yelled. Dean and Sami sat back with their arms crossed, clearly not being tamed. The Uso's put their head down, twiddling their thumbs. Naomi and AJ sat there trying not to break under pressure. "No one's talking? How about all of your parents get a call from me and you can explain to them what you did."

The Uso's looked at each other knowing that they'd get in huge trouble with their father if he found out about this. "It was just a joke." Jay confessed.

"Do you see anybody laughing?" Mrs.Rae squinted. Dean and Sami covered their mouths, holding back their laugh. "Why am I not surprised that you two were apart of this scheme?" Mrs.Rea slammed her hand on the desk making everbody jump, excluding Dean and Sami. "I should expel all of you!"

"You're bluffing." Dean said. AJ elbowed him. "Do it then. You won't."

Her eyes darted to Sami, "Didn't I already expel you?"

"Yup. For 9 months. But I'm due to come back next week."

"That's right. Next week." she emphasized. "Sami Callihan, I can have you arrested for trespassing." she smiled, picking up the phone about to dial 911. "Have fun in jail."

Everyone got scared. Sami was actually calm, with a smug smirk plastered on his face. "Go on, call them. I'm sure the police would love to hear about the principal sleeping with a minor."

Mrs.Rea's face turned white looking like she had seen a ghost. "You wouldn't." she growled at the seventeen year old.

Sami leaned over the desk, "Oh but I would." Mrs.Rea slowly hung up the phone. "That's what I thought."

Everbody was shocked, espesially Dean. "You screwed-Wait. What? When did this happen? You tell me everything why didn't you tell me this? Where was I when this happened?"

"A couple weeks ago. Remember when you took AJ to that drive in?" Dean nodded. "Well I went out that night and saw Mrs.Rae. Or shall I say Brianna walking out of Loco's sports bar. I'm telling you she was drunk out of her mind." Mrs.Rae turned red as the story went on. "She came onto me and one thing lead to another, next thing I know she was-."

"That's enough!" Mrs.Rae yelled. "I won't expel any of you but I will have to punish you or else people will expect something is going on."

"Fair enough." Sami agreed.

"How about an apology, cleaning up the cafeteria, and 2 weeks of detention." Sami shook his head still not satisfied with the deal, "And I won't call your parents." Sami leaned in, motioning that that wasn't good enough. "Fine! Detention for 3 days."

"What do you say guys? Sound good?"

"Hell yeah!" they said in unison. They all went back to the cafeteria finding all of the students looking angry as ever.

Dean, Sami, AJ, Uso's, and Naomi stood there facing their classmates. "We're sorry." they said very monotone. The angry students weren't satisfied with the apology.

"Mom aren't you going to punish them for doing this? I want more than an apology!" Summer whined.

"I have this under control. These jokesters are going to clean this entire place up while the rest of you go home early." she informed.

Everbody walked pass them bumping into them as they left the cafeteria. "Looks like you don't get the last laugh after all." Dolph said.

"Hey Dolph." Dean grabbed him roughly by the arm. Damian stood next to Dolph puffing his chest out acting like he was going to do something.

Sami stepped up to Damian, "Better lower yourself Sandow before things get ugly." he threatened.

Dean smirked as Damian stopped acting brave, "That hair gel you guys used. It was really horse cum." Dolph and Damian looked at each other completely disgusted. They ran out of the cafeteria screaming, nearly pulling their hair out.

"Seems like we did get the last laugh." Sami smiled.

Mrs.Rae interrupted, "We had a deal. Now get to cleaning." she demanded, walking out of the cafeteria. The rest of them grabbed mops and began cleaning.

AJ pushed her mop back and forth and smiled, "You know, even though we got in trouble for this I feel so much better."

Dean looked at her and did his signature smirk, "You better be happy. I didn't fondle a horse for nothing."

They all laughed, "That my friends is how you know someone truly cares about you. They'll go out of their way to fondle a horse for you."

"Ahem!" Sami cleared his throat, "All of this was my idea thank you very much."

AJ dropped her mop then hugged Sami and Dean, "I love you guys."

"Awwww." The Uso's and Naomi said.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

AJ released her grip, turning around. She saw Finn at the window signaling for her to meet him in the hall where he waited during the chaos. "I'll be right back." she left the cafeteria then met up with Finn. "What's up?"

"That was awesome." he laughed.

"Thank Sami Callihan for that. It was his idea after all."

"Yeah it was genius. Can I ask you something?" Finn asked. AJ nodded in approval. "Why did you text me?"

AJ tucked her hair behind her ear, "Cuz, this was to get back at all those guys who made fun of me at the party. You didn't laugh at me so I didn't want you to pay for something you had nothing to do with." she explained. "And you're my best friend." she added.

Finn couldn't control himself and he hugged her. He saw Dean from the window glaring at him so he let AJ go. "I'm sorry. I don't want to get you in trouble with him." he apologized.

AJ looked to see Dean still starting at them, "Don't worry about him. He's a really great guy."

"I don't think he likes me."

"Me neither. But I feel like if you two got to know each other you would be great friends."

Finn shook his head, "I doubt it."

AJ pouted, she grabbed Finn by the hand dragging him to the cafeteria. "Dean this is Finn. Finn this is Dean. I think you guys would be great friends."

They both looked at AJ. You could almost feel the awkward. "You like wrestling?" Finn asked to break the ice.

"I love it. I'm actually training to be a wrestler. Same with Sami." Dean answered.

"Me too!" Finn said.

"I like this guy." Sami said.

"Who spray painted "Prince of Blowjobs" onto my car?!" Dolph yelled from the parking lot.

"Now this is what I call a lovely ending." Sami and the crew laughed.
A/N: cuz who doesn't like a little bit of payback? I can't believe I was actually thinking about ending Outsiders at this.
Would y'all have been okay with that or nah?
See you next chapter.


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