2 Sides of Me

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It's been two weeks since AJ hasn't been at school. Everyday Dean would walk by her classes hoping that she would be there. He began to get worried. Dean was so worried that he would drive around town all night to see if he spotted her on the streets or something.

Dean walked into his Science class, putting his head down on the desk. He needed to close his eyes for a while he hasn't slept all week. Dean was on the edge of sleep until his cell started buzzing. It was Sami.

Sami🔪🚬: Yo guess wat

Dean🃏🔫: huh?

Sami🔪🚬: AJ's here!

Dean🃏🔫: Don't play with me man. Is she really?!

Sami🔪🚬: Yeah! She's in my class rn! She looks... different...

Dean🃏🔫: OMW!

Dean ran down the halls to Sami's English class. On his way he ran into Finn."Is it true? Is AJ here?"

"Yeah." Finn said. Something was wrong with his tone though. Dean knew Finn missed her but why wasn't he excited? "She's kind of... different. In a good/bad way, I guess."

"That's what Sami said. What's so different about her?"

"Take a look for yourself." Finn said, pointing at AJ walking out of the class passing them by. She wore a super short, tight, black dress with low black converse. She died her hair from light brown to black.

Dean's mouth fell agape. He'd be lying if he said she didn't look hot as always but she wasn't the same AJ that he fell in love with. This was Jack's AJ, what he made her become.

AJ never used to wear make up, that's what Dean loved about her. She was naturally beautiful and he made sure that she knew that. Now, she had blush piled onto her perfect cheek bones, dark maroon lipstick on her chapped lips that used to be so smooth, and dark eyeliner that made her look a lot older. On her right inner wrist she had a tattoo that said 'love bites' in cursive letters and on her left ankle another small tattoo of a black widow, the body in the shape of a heart.

"She looks..." Dean looked her up and down trying to find the words to describe her new look. As he did that he noticed light bruises on her inner thighs. He felt sick to his stomach, he felt his breakfast coming up his throat, which was actually just beer and barbecue chips. "I have to go." He told Finn, then ran to the restroom to throw up.

"You okay?" Finn asked him, knocking on the stall.

"Do I look okay, Finn?"

"It hurts seeing her like this. Trust me, I know how you feel."

"No you don't. It's my fault that this is happening to her and there's nothing I can do to help her. You don't know how it feels to watch the person you love suffer."

Finn sighed, leaning up against the wall, he loved AJ just as much as Dean did and always will love her. He just wouldn't ever have the chance for AJ to be his. "She's my best friend, Dean. I do know what you're going through."

AJ walked passed Finn and Dean making sure not to make eye contact. She felt so disgusting and embarrassed to be seen this way. Reaching into her purse, AJ pulled out some foundation. The dark circles under her eyes were starting to become really noticeable. A couple times AJ felt like the mirror was going to crack, she felt so ugly.

The bathroom door opened, "Sup, sewer rat." Nikki said. "No matter how much make up you apply you're still going to look like nothing more than a miserable witch." she teased.

"Alright, Nicole. That's enough." Brie said. Nikki rolled her eyes.

"What's your problem, Brianna?" Nikki asked, then pushed AJ. "Hit her." she ordered.

"No." Brie refused.

Nikki grabbed Brie by the arm, "Hit her right now Brie!"

"Stop it Nikki!" Brie begged.

Nikki slapped AJ in the back of the head, as AJ resented to fight back. She couldn't risk getting hurt and Jack getting pissed at her. "Do it or I'll tell Daniel you cheated on him!"

"Nikki why are you doing this?" Brie cried.

"Because I can!" Nikki grabbed a fistful of AJ's hair, "Slap her right now!" Brie mouthed 'I'm sorry' to AJ right before she kicked the back of her knee.

AJ gripped the side of the sink. It took all she had not to attack those Bella winches. AJ grabbed Nikki by her extinctions and slammed her face into the mirror, watching it shatter on the tiled floor. Brie grabbed AJ by her black hair throwing her into the wall. Brie brought her knee up to AJ's gut but AJ pushed it down then punched Brie in the face. Nikki got AJ in a bear hug from behind while ordering Brie to slap and kick a defenseless AJ.

Brie got her manicured hand, clawing AJ across the face. AJ's heart nearly jumped out of her throat. Jack will be so pissed if she didn't look her best, the last thing she needed was scaring on her face. She swung her foot up nailing Brie in the face, busting her nose. Nikki lost her grip and let AJ fall to the ground as she checked on her sister.

AJ grabbed her stuff and ran back to class before anymore fighting could take place. Finn and Dean came out of the restroom after they heard the ruckus. Dean wanted to ask her what happened but there was no way she'd tell him.

"I'll talk to her." Finn said, going back into his class with AJ.

"AJ... What's happening to you?" Dean whispered under his breath.

A/N: talk about change, right? Find out what happens with AJ next chapter.

Song: Rolling In The Deep: (remade by) Linkin Park

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