Sami's Plan

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Dean picked up one of the many odd objects, "What the hell is this for?"

Sami smirked, "My plan."


"Plan?" AJ asked.

Sami nodded, "What? You really think we're going to let those basterds get away with what they did to you? Nah. What I have planned is going to be way better than kicking their asses."

AJ and Dean sat down across from Sami looking through the things he bought. AJ picked up a bottle "Laxatives?"

"You still work at that café they have in the library?" Sami asked AJ. She nodded. "Summer always buys coffee when it's your shift, right?"

AJ had a flashback of when she served Summer her coffee then Summer took a sip and spit it on AJ claiming that the coffee was too hot. The one thing hotter than that coffee was AJ's blood because it was at its boiling point.

"Yeah. Her and Miz sometimes."

"You know where I'm going with this right?" Sami smiled, as did AJ.

Dean looked at them, "You can't be serious Sami? They're gonna shit all over themselves." Sami and AJ were still smiling. "I like the way you think." he picked up a bag of balloons and one of the many jars of Mayo. "You're gonna fill these up with Mayo aren't you?"

Sami pulled out a jug from one of the bags, "and hot sauce."

AJ dug into one of the bags and pulled out a can, "Spray paint?"

Sami took the can from her and shook it, "I know how much Dolph loves his Aston Martin so I figured I could be a good friend and give him a free paint job."

Dean got excited, "No way! Do I play a roll in your plan?"

"Oh you play the most important roll of them all." Sami smiled.

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-Dater High School/Library Cafe-

"I'll have a large hazelnut coffee with four creamers a 3 packets of sugar. And make it quick or I'll be late for PE again." Summer damanded.

"Coming right up Ms.Summer." AJ rolled her eyes. "Miz, would you want anything?" she asked putting on a fake smile.

"I'll have the same as Summer. Oh I'll take a muffin to." Miz grabbed a muffin from the box on the counter then knocked it over. "Whoops. Looks like you're going to have to pick that up."

AJ's blood was boiling but she tried her best to remain calm, "No problem." she kneeled down picking up the muffins and put them back in their proper place. She made their coffees and before she gave it to Miz and Summer she slipped in a small treat for both of them. "Here you go. Come again." she grinned.

Miz and Summer clinked cups, taking a sip. "Mmm. This is good." Miz said.

"Thanks, shrimp." Summer said, knocking down the muffins again. "See you in PE."

"Drink up." AJ kneeled down picking up the muffins. Several other hands came into sight putting the snacks in the box. She looked up to find Naomi, Jimmy, and Jay.

"Sorry about them. They're just jerks." Naomi said as they helped.

"Where were you yesterday?" Jay asked.

"I stayed home. I uhh, didn't feel well." she lied.

"See Jimmy I told you it wasn't cuz of the party that she wasn't here." Jimmy elbowed his twin brother trying to make him shut up.

AJ's face turned red in embarrassment. "It's okay honey." Naomi put her arm around AJ, she shrugged her arm off.

"Why are you being nice to me for? All three of you laughed when they did that to me." AJ bit back her tears as she thought back to the party.

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