Chapter 23

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Uploaded 07/02/2015
Edited on 1/12/16
Chapter Twenty three

I took out my cell phone to call my mother to tell her be extra diligent. To make sure that she keeps her doors locked when she is in the house, and to call the police if she feels that there is anything wrong.

She appeared to be concerned at first that I would recommend that she do these things. I ensured her that I was just over protective because of the mugging. I did not want her to be too afraid. I hung up the phone after promising to go and visit her as soon as possible.

I made a mental note to speak with the dragon lady in regards to taking some vacation time so I can see my mother. I need to make sure that she is okay. I looked at the time on the wall.

"Damn." I cursed I was late in going to the west wing. We have to start cleaning the spare rooms now.

I hopscotched to the first floor when I saw some movement down the corridor. I plastered myself to the wall to make way for the three people coming down. I could see Ashley mother in the middle flacked by two ladies in a skirts suits. One was talking on a Bluetooth headset and has a clip board in her hand. The other one was tall and blonde who appeared to be taking note as Mrs Wentworth was dictating.

They came closer towards me so I pushed myself beside the table trying to be inconspicuous. She came closer then stilled to turn her head to face me. She stopped in mid speech to regard me from the corner of her eye. She took a step forward as if she was about to leave but then changed her mind to face me fully.

I looked up in her face giving her my full attention. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. Since I slept with Ashley things have changed. I wanted to make a good impression on her. Whatever me and Ashley were it would makes thing easier if his mom were to accept me.

"Girls, carry on to my office I need a word with the..." She looked at me intently. I knew she knew my name. "The maid." She finished.

The two ladies nodded walking off down the corridor to what I assume is her office. We both were silent willing the other one to start the conversation. I do not know what she wanted to speak to me about the last time we met she was physically assaulting me.

"I would like to apologise for my behaviour the other day." Her voice was firm and her back stiff like someone was forcing her at gun point to admit she was wrong. "I should not have done what I did. I have spoken to Ashley and he has told me the truth of Alexandria allegations."

"You do not sound like you believe him." Fair enough she apologised but she does not have to look like she was spiting nails in the process.

She crossed her arms over her chest in what I consider a defensive position. "I listen to my son."

"Apparently you listen to Alexandria." I commented. "I am not a thief and to say that was very hurtful."

"I did not realise the full extent that she was willing to do to keep her status in life." She took a step back. "I would not like our behaviour to reflect on our future relationship."

Now I am confused. "What future relationship?"

She looked down to my ring, I quickly hid it behind my back. I really need to take this thing off. "Your engaged to my son."

"No," I swallowed. "I am not. It was a misunderstanding."

She raised her eyebrows at me. "If my son wants something he gets it. He is very determined like his father. You're his now."

She laughed at the frightened look on my face. "My dear, you don't know anything at all do you?" She patted my arm. "Welcome to the family." Then strode off to her office.

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