Chapter 27

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Uploaded 14/04/2015
Edited 5/12/16

Chapter Twenty Seven

"You been quiet all day." My mother said to me as she adjusted her dress. I looked up to see her putting in the last of her pins into her tightly gelled bun.

"I'm okay." I leaned my head against wall as I sat on the sofa. We were getting ready for Ashley's friend party. I spent all my day in the house; apart of me was too scared to go out. I stayed in my room kept replaying the whole day in mind of how the letter could get stuck to that door. The only connection my family had with Brandon was his brother.

However David has spent the entire day with us. He did not leave my sister side not even for a moment. The only other option was that Brandon came here to DC himself; I called Suzy earlier for a check-up she told me no one else had taken vacation.

Every couple of hours I kept checking out the blinds feeling as if I was being watched. The feeling of paranoia was washing over me in waves. My eyes were scanning the other houses looking for things out of the ordinary. Hoping to see a person with a telescope aimed at my room.

"Katryna!" My mum snapped looking angrily in my face. "Is things okay with you and Ashley. I noticed that he left for work early this morning and haven't come back yet. Is he working a problem for your relationship?"

"Hmm..." I looked up distracted from concentration of who could be following me. It took me a moment to register what she just said. I shook my head at her question. "Me and Ashley do just fine mom. I understand that he has to work and I respect that."

Sammy came to sit next to me in her long pink evening gown. She looked just like a movie star with her blonde hair flowing down her back. "I like that you are with a businessman. Makes you seem more professional."

I smiled over at her. "I am happy, just stressed at work." I rolled my shoulders back trying to relieve the stress that is my back. For one day I let myself relax and enjoy my day with family. But Brandon could not let me have that one day to myself.

I kept thinking in the mansion that he was looking in the east wing. Why the east wing. Now that I am staying their and Ashley knows it will make things more easier for me to have a look around when my shift ended.

"Is it not weird to be working with your fiancé?" Sam asked. "I would be forever jumping on David especially when he wears a suit."

"I feel my ears burning." David commented walking into the room putting on his cuff links. "I hope its all good."

"Don't worry I haven't spilled all your dirty secrets to my sister yet." Sam winked at him. "You do scrub up well." She let out a low whistle.

David did a little spin around in the circle showing off his crisp light grey suit. It was at that moment that Ashley strode into the room outshining David with his Dark domineering presence.

His blue eyes seemed almost bright amongst his black jacket and shirt. I felt my body being drawn towards him even as he was heading towards me in my mothers lounge.

He bent down to place a kiss on my forehead. Whispering words so that I can only hear. "You look beautiful."

"You ladies ready to leave." He looked at my family. "You look lovely ladies. Angela" Ashley gave her a dark look. "Breathtaking."

I slapped him on the thigh in outrage. Does he have a thing for older women, should I be threatened of my mother?

Ashley leaned down to take my hand to pull me up. I fell into his arms with his hands on my waist. "Don't worry you're the only woman in my life."

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