Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Smile Katryna." My mother told me as my head whipped round to pose a smile just in time for the picture. "Gotcha!" She smiled as she gave me the thumbs up.

She pulled the camera back up to her face to take a couple of snaps of people nearby. She was taking pictures of the atmosphere so I would never forget it. She didn't need to as I would never forget this day. This day would remain special to me forever.

This was the day of my graduation from college. I have a BA in performing arts and Drama. My mother always said I was a dreamer, it is my passion to dance. My passion to act and to perform.

Me and three of my girlfriends would be heading to L.A at the end of the months. We saved up for a three bed apartment in the good part of the city. It may cost a fortune in rent but we all are determined to make it.

"Mum!" I called. She was off talking to some other parents forgetting about taking my pictures.

"Just a minute Katryna" She turned her back to me to keep gossiping with the other women that was there. Lord knows what they were talking about.

"I can't wait to move at the end of the month!" Lexi squealed in my ear as she rushed to hug me. Almost perforating my ear drum in the process.

"Neither can I." Came my dry response. Lexi is a good friend but I wouldn't say we were close. Nova drafted her in to share an apartment with us as L.A is so expensive.

Lexi comes from a rich family so she was able to afford the deposit for us to move. The only downside to living with her is her high pitch vocal cords. The girl should really join a choir.

"What going on here?" Nova said as she came to join us on the university lawn.

"I was just telling Kat here that I cannot wait till the end of the month. My dad is just finishing of the refurbishment then we be able to get the keys." Lexi literally bounced on her feet.

This is it. I could feel it. I soon be moving out of the state to become a Hollywood actress. It's not the came that I would be looking for but the chance to star in a movie. A chance to make others cry at a sentimental performance.

"To love, sex and work!" Nova yelled pushing her hand in front of us.

"Too love and Sex!" Lexi laid her hand on top of Nova's. "about mainly Sex!" She added with a wink.

I gave a smile then said. "Too love and hardcore Sex!" Then laid my hand with the other to girls to join us in a pact.

Two years later.

"Girls! Come on!" I shouted from the open plan large living room. I switched on the large flat screen television that was attached to the wall. Curtesy of Lexi father. "Your going to miss my cameo performance."

I turned the channel over to HBO. After all these years this will be my first television performance.

"What is the big who har about?" Nova asked coming out of the kitchen area. She had a naked chef apron on. She washed her hands before coming to stand beside me staring at the television.

"My agent just called." I told her. "My show that I filmed is about to air."

The show opening sequence appeared on the screen. I felt my pulse start to rise in anticipation. I glanced at the clock ready to call my mother to let her in on the good news. She always thought I was chasing a dream. She being on the other coast she can catch the other showing in an hour.

"Why didn't your agent tell us earlier!" Nova complained fast walking back to the kitchen to open the fridge. " Champagne." She cried as she walked to the cupboard to find the cork screw.

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