Chapter 37

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Uploaded 18/06/2015
Edited 15/12/16

Chapter Thirty Seven

"I can't believe that you are leaving us to live upstairs." Alyssa blew out a loud sigh making her bangs blow up in her face. "You are living my dream." She closed back her locker to look at me taking the stuff out of mine and into a small brown box.

"I did not plan it like this." I gave her the old magazines that we stored in my locker. "Life sort of happened. Ashley would not have me working, we had a big argument this morning about me coming back to work. By the time I got downstairs the Dragon lady was already here handing me my notice."

"I would do anything to have a rich man look after me. The nurse got sick and that bitch of a dragon is letting me look after that old man, just because I was giving her sass." Alyssa had her back to the locker reading through the magazine. I could tell that she was not too pleased with the arrangement that she was put on.

"You mean Charles?" I paused in what I was doing. It has been two days now since Charles was admitted to the hospital, I was not aware that he came back. All the guests left the day before besides my family.

Alyssa looked at me blankly. "The man in the wheelchair," I explained directly.

Her eyes flashed as if she had a light bulb moment. "Ahh... yeah Charles. Why did he tell me to call him Rex?" She looked back from the mag then back to me. "Do you think you could have a word for them to get someone else to look after him? Like a trained nurse."

I gave her a tight smile. "I don't think it is my place to get involved in things like these."

She folded her arms across her chest. "So now that you are the lady of the house you are going to forget about all your friends?"

I looked at Alyssa insulted by what she was saying. How could she think so little of me? "Is that what you really think? That I got where I am on my back?" Technically it was true.

She shook her head walking a step towards me to pull me into a hug. "Sorry, I am just a jealous bitch."

We both laugh at her comment but I did not contradict her.

"Let me carry that box for you. Keeps me out of the dragon reach for a while if she thinks I'm with you." Alyssa picked up the box before I had the chance to refuse. "Now you can concentrate on your film career."

I nodded my head; at least I don't have to worry about rent and food I can put in a full effort to find a job before the baby bump starts to show.

We walked past the staff room, which went eerily silent as I strode past. I could feel all their eyes on me; I bet they were whispering in their heads about me too. I could never deal with being a centre of attention.

We managed to get to the first floor without bumping into anyone.

"Katryna!" Vivian called out from the family room. The doors were wide open so I guess she was keeping a look out for me. "Come inside. I was just speaking to your friend Nova and Sam about the wedding."

"Just put the box in my room," I advised Alyssa turning to face Ashley's mom.

"But that is on the East wing." She whispered back to me. "I can't go there."

I shook my head, "It is okay. I said you're allowed to go there."

She looked at me frightened. "The last maid that went there end up dead. Sorry..."

I used my hands to gesture up and down my body. "Do I look dead to you?"

She moved her head slowly from side to side her brown eyes going down my body then back up. "Uh-no. But girl I'm leaving this package with Alfred you can get it from his office." She walked angrily across the corridor where the connecting door would be.

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