Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

It seemed like a long drive from the gates to the huge mansion before me. The driveway was consisted of gravel and a fountain that was used as a roundabout at the front of the house.

As we got closer to the house we saw a dirt track that lead around to the side. Nova pressed her indicator on to turn off onto the side road. I couldn't see any of the house as the bushes and trees kept it from my prying eyes.

After a minute of driving we came to a make shift car park with seven vehicles that were already parked. Nova parked next to a red sedan then turned off the engine.

"Are you ready?" She asked as she turned to face me.

I took a deep breath in then expelled it out. Feeling a large amount of tingles throughout my body. A lot was riding on me getting this job. I don't want to be dependent on Donny.

"I'm ready." I clicked the handle on the car to walk out on the gravel. I almost tripped in my heels. I grabbed a hold of the roof of the car to steady myself.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Nova leaned her head out the window to ask her hazel eyes showing concern.

"I'll be fine." I answered back to her as the wind blew me off balance on to the car. I stood up straight again as a fast speed Mercedes came inches past me to break hard a few meters away.

"What the fuck." I starred at the car in shock.

"They nearly knocked you over!" Nova got out the car to check me over. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." To my shame my voice was raspy. We looked over to see two blondes giggling to each other.

"Hey!" Nova shouted at them. She opened the car door to beep the horn at them trying to get their attention. They didn't pause in their walking when hearing her shout. "Bitches."

"I'm fine." I looked at their departing backs. They were dressed in designer clothes. Both of them wearing Skirts with high heels. "Let's do this."

I took a deep breath then smothered down my black dress. I look around the grounds for a second time, checking to make sure the way was clear before making my way to the open side door with Nova.

The door opened into a room with chairs lined facing a desk. A woman in a suit was sitting behind a makeshift plastic desk. I approached her warily. She had her black hair tied up in a tight bun. As I got nearer I noticed that she had small glasses on as she was reading a document attached to a clip board.

"Excuse me?" Her head popped up at speech. "My name is Katryna Adams. I am here for the position of-"

"Yes I can see your name on here." She took the lid off the black ball point pen to write something on the document. "If you could take a seat over there." She nodded over to the chairs in front of her. "I shall notify you when your interview is to commence." She looked up to Nova. "Can I help you?"

Nova looked between me and the woman quickly summarizing her up. "I am her manager."

I raised my eyebrows at this statement. The woman behind the desk did not seem too surprise by that declaration.

"You may stay to prep but your are not allowed in the interview room." She used her forefinger to push her glasses further up her nose signalling an end to the conversation.

As we walked away from her I gave Nova a tight smile. That woman was so off putting, makes me not want to apply for this position if I have to work with her. We sat at the back of the room in the last row facing the lady. We were able to see some more people enter the room.

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