Chapter Ten

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The Maid Chapter Ten

"Hurry up Kat, we need to make sure that the buffet table is all set." Suzy hissed at me as she waltzed passed me at a high speed with a tray of appetizers.

I was arranging the seating along the wall in the ball room. The room was a hive of activity. It looked as if there were around fifty people mulling about to try and get the ball up to scratch. The marble floor was polished again, the chandelier was shining with diamonds from the ceiling giving the room a moonlight disco effect once the lights go out.

"I am on room duty, not the trays." I whispered back glancing over to the left corner where the dragon lady was with a clip board surveying the rest of the workers. Her left foot was tapping constantly on floor a sign of her nervous agitation. This is a big moment for her, overseeing a ball. With this attached to her resume she could practically get any job she wanted in the future.

I saw Suzy lean over the table sucking in a deep breath.

"I need to sit down for a moment." She said to me wiping a cloth on her brow. "We cannot be running around like this and we are meant to be staying all night."

I nodded my head in the direction of a dark alcove by the window that was draped with ceiling length Victorian drapes. We pulled it back to step behind the curtain, to shield ourselves from the dragon's eyes.

"What's going on Suzy?" I turned to face her, finding it hard to make out her features as the drapes blocked out all the light from the room. "You do not seem like yourself."

"I think the stress of the ball is actually getting to me. I can't help but think to the last time there was a ball at the Wentworth manor. The death, the blood, the screams." Suzy covered her face with her hands as she wept.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I read about the death of the maid a couple of years ago. I did not know that Suzy was there.

"I told her to leave things alone. I told her not to mess with the family. Not to enter that room." She cried.

"What room?" I leaned Suzy head back to look into her tear stained face. "Was her death not a suicide after all?"

"I said too much." Suzy pinched the curtains to wipe her face. "For your health as well as mine. Forget what I just said." She poked her head out to make sure the coast was clear before she exited to make her way to the kitchen for more buffet items.

I came out of the hiding place when I heard a sharp whistle. The dragon lady stood next to a woman in a long black evening dress. A dress that I would consider someone to be wearing at the Oscars. I glimpse around the room to notice that everyone's full attention were on the two people in the centre of the ballroom.

"I would like to thank everyone for their help in setting up this ball at such short notice." The lady in the black cocktail dress announced. "As a way to say thank you we have deceived that there should be a staff party tomorrow night."

Loud clapping and cheering could be heard after she finished her speech. She gave a gently bow then stepped backwards so that the dragon lady could step forward.

"I would like to thank Mrs Wentworth on the opportunity that she has given us to put together this ball and of course the staff party tomorrow night. Now as the time is late. The ball is due to start in half an hour. Now could the staff please put together the finishing touches so that we can open the doors." She gave another blow of her ear splitting whistle that was attached to a rope around her neck. "Now you all know your places for this evening. I will be on the ear and mike this evening as well the shift leaders, so any complications come to them and then they will alert me if anything serious. And need I remind anyone that what you see happen at this ball is all confidential no pictures, no gossip, no fractioning's and no self-promotions."

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