Chapter 11

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Cause a lot of you voted here a quick new chapter. x for all you loyal fans

Chapter 11

I quickly gathered my belongings out of my locker under the watchful eye of the security that the dragon lady sent to observe over me. She was probably afraid that I would steal some antique china on the way out. The fucking bitch.

There was not much in my locker part from my clothes and bag. I picked up my stuff in a rush not bothering to lock the locker door behind. Some sort of last rebellion on my half. I was grateful that my departure went un-notice as most of the staff was busy serving the rich elite at the dinner table or helping chef in the kitchen.

"Where you going?" Brandon asked as he approached me holding a teapot on a tray.

"I have been fired." I explained to him.

"What?" He looked behind me towards the body guards. "How?" he spluttered.


"We need to escort you from the premises madam." The guard to the left lean forward to interrupt us was pointing behind Brandon to the door.

"I tell you the rest on Facebook later." I quickly placed a kiss goodbye on his cheek as I left. The guards escorted me right to my car ensuring that I got in. When I started the engine one of them signalled that I rolled down my window.

"We would just like to inform you that you did sign a confidential agreement and please remember the terms of the contract as it would not work in you favour if you indeed did talk to the press." He gave me a tight smile then stood up to his appropriate height.

"Is that a threat?" I asked in shock.

"No. Just a warning." He waved towards the path that would take me to the gates. "Now if you please madam leave the premises before we have to alert the authorities."

"Bastard." I said under my breath as I put the car into gear to leave.

Apart of me was happy that I was leaving. I did not want that servitude job anyways, another part of me was sad as I made proper friends there. Developed feelings for each of them. However the wage from the job I would surely miss.

By the time I got home I was thinking of Lexi. Now she is going to serve me with another god damn notice of eviction. This is just what she wanted. Me unemployed and helpless. I groaned once I saw a text on my phone from Nova wishing me luck for tonight. She may not be my sister by blood but I consider her family. Last thing I want is her expressing sympathy at my loss of a job. Then again she may be howling with laughter when I tell the reason why.

'Hey Nova I lost my job cause I have been letting the boss eat out my p'ussy whilst at work' I said in a sarcastic voice in my head.

I took of my black ballet shoes as soon as I got to my room then flopped facedown onto the bed. I really do not need this sort of aggro.

I rolled onto my back as I thought about the guard's words regarding talking to the press. I am not one of those playmates that like go to TMZ in regards to a kiss and tell but I certainly do have a case for sexual harassment by the boss.

I smiled to myself; I could definitely get a large pay-out if I go down that route. I shook my head on that thought. If I sued Ashley Wentworth my name would be putty in Hollywood.

What I need to do is go and see my mother for a couple of days. I should fly back to Washington. It has been such a long time since I have been there. I felt like I could not go back home till I have I made a name for myself. Now I just realised it has been my pride talking. My pride getting in the way of me seeing my mother.

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