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Aspen woke up at half 8 on the Monday morning, happy to be back at Hogwarts "I'm glad to be back" Aspen said under her breath. She was back at school... "SCHOOL" Aspen shouted as she jumped out of bed "Aw shit I'm gonna be late on my first day" Aspen said "Why didn't Luna wake me up" Aspen quickly got dressed, having no time for a shower, she got one yesterday anyways, she thought. She put on a bit of makeup because it was the first day and she liked wearing it. Aspen wore eyeliner just above her bottom eyelashes as well as some winged liner, mascara and blue eyeshadow under her eyes. She thought she looked like a bad bitch. Aspen got her bag that she packed the night before, thank god, and quickly rolled up her skirt and left to the Great Hall, hoping to see Luna and Ginny so they could walk to their first class together, whatever it was she didn't know, as she hadn't got her time table yet and hoped Luna got it for her.

Once Aspen got to the Great Hall she saw Ginny and Luna sitting at the Ravenclaw table "Hi ginny, hi luna" Aspen said. Ginny smiled  "Oh, hello Aspen, i was wondering when you would turn up" Luna said with a soft, dreamy looking smile "Yeah well if you had woken me up on time i might have been here earlier" Aspen said trying to be annoyed, but she never could be at Luna "Sorry, you just looked so peaceful lying there, and i know the summer hasn't been easy for you" Luna said giving her a small sympathetic look, knowing how Aspens father had ignored her and ordered her mother to make Aspen stay in her room most of the summer. "Here, i got your timetable Oh and a letter came for you" Luna said. Aspen smiled at Luna and took the letter and timetable from her. Thinking the letter was from her mother, Aspen went to open it, but on the front noticed her father's handwriting and stopped. Why had he started talking to her again ? Aspen decided she would open it later by herself incase it was a serious letter. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" Ginny asked her "oh yeah,yeah everything's fine" Aspen said in a very convincing way since none of what she just said was remotely true. Aspen looked over at Luna and they shared a look, they both always knew exactly what the other was thinking. Ginny sensed something was up so tried to diffuse the tension "Oh look, we have defence against the dark arts together now, and herbology together after that" Aspen was glad of a distraction from the thoughts of her father "oh thats good, lets go then we are probably going to be late" She said.


When they got to defence against the dark arts they were some of the last there. "Hello Miss Malfoy, Miss lovegood and Miss Weasley, how nice of you to join us" Lupin said with a knowing smirk that looked oddly familiar. "Sorry we're late Professor" Aspen said as her ginny and luna all sat at the back of the classroom. "Where were you Weasley, off talking too your diary again, gonna try and kill some more muggle borns" A boy who Aspen knew as Adam Peters said. Ginny got notably upset by this and threw Peters a look that could kill, but when she looked down , Aspen saw a tear in her eye threaten to fall, but Ginny wiped it away before anyone else could notice "It's ok Ginny, he's just a stupid boy who knows nothing, don't let him get to you, he's not worth it" Aspen said, as Luna gave an encouraging smile. Ginny was grateful for this, as she never had anyone to pick her back up when she got down and sad about the diary incident during the summer. She knew her family would be there to wipe away her tears if they knew how she was feeling, but she didn't want them to know how she felt, didn't want them to know she was weak, whereas friends were different, she felt as if she could confide in them and it felt nice. "Detention Mr Peters" Professor Lupin said " My office 7:30 tonight". Adam looked annoyed "But why sir, we all know what i said was true, atleast it was last year" he said with a smirk "Another detention on Tuesday Mr Peters, and i would advise you to stop talking now, or the punishments will be worse" Professor Lupin said, this shut Adam up. Aspen's respect for her professor went up massively after this. No one deserved to be treated the way some people had been treating Ginny.


Aspen Luna and Ginny had finished their classes and since they didn't have the last 3 together, said they would meet up in the courtyard and go to the library to do there defence against the dark arts homework. Aspen was never one to do her homework straight away, but since it was the first day her, Ginny and Luna decided to try. They were about half way through when Ginny said "oh for fuck sakes theres my brother and Hermio- oh shit Harrys with them" "whats so special about Harr- wait do you like him?" Aspen said, a smirk in her face "shut it, we can talk about this later cause they are coming over to us" Ginny said "Hey Ginny i just wanted to as- wait what are you doing with a Malfoy". Ron said, a tone of disgust in his voice "Fuck off Ron, i can be friends with whoever i want to be" Ginny said. Yesss Aspen knew she had become friends with Ginny for a good reason, that reason being she was a bad bitch. "Oh so now your friends with it, whats next, you'll be dating one t-" Ron started "excuse me, but did u just call ME it" Aspen said "yeah and what are you gon-" He started again "oh you know what I'll do about it? I'll fucking hex you into oblivion you got that?" Aspen said. She looked behind her to make sure Ginny wasn't annoyed at her, but her and Luna were just smiling at her. "Oh I'm soooo scared" Ron said sarcastically "Ginny?" Aspen said "go ahead he deserves it" Ginny said smirking and Aspen hit him with a hex "what did you- AHHHH" Ron said when he felt his head, but there was no hair. She hit him with an instant scalping hex. Aspen started smirking and said "Don't say another word to me, or you know what will happen" Aspen went to sit back down and Ginny and Luna gave her a high five. Hermione gave her a smile and Harry was holding back laughter "what is all this yelling!" Madam Pince came over "Oh Ron here was just showing us his new look and got quite angry when we didn't think it looked quite as, how would u say it, dashing, i suppose, as he thought" Aspen said. Everyone except Ron was struggling to hold back there laughter, and Aspen, who was smirking but was keeping a calm face. "No-she-ugh" Ron said "Mr Weasley will you please leave the library this instant i don't like trouble makers here!" Madam Pince said in an annoyed voice "but it wasn't- forget it" Ron said giving Aspen an angry look, but she just smiled and winked back at him, completely unfazed but the look on his face which looked like it could kill. Ron stomped out of the library followed by Harry and Hermione, but not without getting approving smiles from both of them. "That was fucking amazing Aspen" Ginny laughed. Luna just smiled, used to her best friends usual antics. The girls all laughed and got back to their homework, not noticing there Professor staring at them from the corner of the library, having saw everything go down, but deciding not to say anything, he deserved it after all " yep, it has to be her" Remus said under his breath to himself.

A/N- Hi I'm back with my longest chapter yet, hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote on my story, it would mean a-lot and i want to know who all is reading this and what ideas you have for the future of this book, and what secrets you may think happen. Thanks for reading xx Hannah

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