Q/A Livestream 3 Million Celebration

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4 years later

"Hello everyone! Deku here! With a Q/A livestream!"

It has been four years since he first began his channel and now he has 3 million subscribers and counting. And with every million subscriber special he does something special.

For the first million, he told his followers that he was quirkless with a 45 minute video. He always got comments and questions regarding what was his quirk and people speculating if it had anything to do with his analysis. But instead he told the story of him growing up quirkless and how something like having no quirk affected him through his life. He told of his many struggles with bullying, insecurities, and how he grew stinger from those experiences even though he still gets them until this day. And his subscribers were understanding and realized that no matter the quirk, he was still their favorite person which led to more crying from him after the video since all he got were positive responses and nothing really negative. The video that followed after that one was gifted to his quirkless fans and whoever needed the help he never got detailing what you can do to defend yourself and what to do in case you are being bullied.

For the two million special, he cried about the support and love he was getting. And to celebrate he reacted to fan art, fan's gifts and letters that were sent to him. Which thankfully, didn't have any NSFW items since he asked the fans not to send anything like that. The video was about 3 hours long since he had so many boxes piled in his room, he could half made a life-life statue of All Might. But he got tons of gifts like drawing, plushies, clothes, letters, snacks, and some books that contained his favorite subjects of study. Since he let the news loose, that he was pursuing a career in Journalism online with a scholarship to one of the universities in Tokyo that finally didn't treat him differently. Since it was online, there was no new friends to be made, but also no bullies to get in his way.

Which brings us to now the three million special, he first ever livestream!

GravityIsMine: Yay! I can't wait! Hi Deku!
LordExplosionMurder: IT'S ABOUT [censored] TIME!
LordExplosionMurder: WHATS WITH THIS [censored] CENSOR BULL[censored]!
IcyHot: I am glad I am here to see this.

"Welcome to my first livestream! It took me a while to figure out what to do for my 3 million subscriber celebration, so I figured to do something I haven't done be-WOAH!" Izuku completed his celebratory statement by falling...on the ground....while getting up from his bed....on live stream.

ClassPresident: Oh dear, are you alright?
SoftRockBoi: Man, that looked like it hurt!
WalkingZombie: Let me guess, your comforter was in the floor and you slipped on it yet again! Hah, and you did it livestream too, that's hilarious.
TapeDispenser: dude don't add to his miserable embarrassment...
JammingWhey: Yeah! Wait. How would you know if he slipped on it?

"Anyway," Izuku said wincing as he got up from the floor to sit on his bed, "continuing with my first livestream ever, I will also be answering questions you guys are watching have also with a combination of ones I found on my last HeroTube video which was my Froppy makeup tutorial.

LeapingLily: Ahhh! I can't believe this I get to see you live!
FroppyKermit: I really liked that one, kero. You did very well on your makeup look.
Deku's#1Fan: AHH I LOVED THAT VIDEO! I also love all your videos!
Deku'sNumberOneFan: I can't wait for the questions to begin..also..^are we gonna fight for the top.
Deku's#1Fan: We can both share the title since everyone loves Deku!

"Okay! So," Izuku claps his hands together, "you can ask whatever you want but keep things PG-13."

SnowWhite'sApple: Is your PO Box open again? I want to send you some drawings I made of you!
JammingWhey: What's your favorite Pokemon?
AlienQueensRulz: hey I just logged in! Anyway, would you ever consider not wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants combo each and every time you film? I want to see a little more...
ClassPresident: Are you actually okay from your fall? You didn't hurt anything did you?
SoftRockBoi: You are so manly! What is your training regime or workout regime? Because you seem pretty fit despite your closet of hoodies!

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