Short Video, Villain Confrontation

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The animated intro of the bunny played across the screen welcoming the viewers onto Dekus' channel.

"Hello everyone, Deku here with a new video based on the third ranked hero, Shoto." Deku explained with a grin. He wore a themed outfit for today's video. The custom made hoodie he got from the fan mail box with some basic black leggings. His makeup was done as well to bring some extra ness to the table. The right side of his face had blue and silver eyeshadow look with a white eyeliner. His cheek was dusted with a frosty highlight. The left side of his face had red and orange eyeshadow with a smoked out black eyeliner. His other cheek was dusted with a gold shimmer. His lips were a nude to complete the overall look.

"To start off, Shoto is the third ranked hero of Japan, but his popularity has reached internationally. Half of it is because of his great power, but the other half is his charming princely face that steals the hearts of many people. His work includes working with his old classmates on big cases that threatened the safety of Japan and the entire world. Isn't that crazy? The guy is only like what my age?"

"Anyway, onto another point. His quirk. Half hot and half cold. He mostly relies on his cold side, but after graduation he started to work on his fireside a little bit more. But it is sort of telling that he still doesn't use it like it is his to own. He is always treating* it like he is borrowing from someone else. He admitted on a TV interview that it doesn't feel like his power, it feels like his father's, Endeavor. Which is complete utter bullshit. His quirk is his own to wield and I wish for him to gain better control of his fire and not treat it as a stranger. It's his power, not anyone else's."

Deku went on with his video, using many images to further display points he had written up before the video. But Shoto sat still in his office chair with his eyes wide.

Deku's words of encouragement repeating in his mind.

'It's his power'

'It's his power'

Deku saw the flames as him, not his sperm donor. Oh this day couldn't get any better.

Shoto smiled softly as Deku continued to fanboy through the screen.


Deku was tired as heck.

The Shoto video that he planned to be only ten or so minutes ended up being fifty. He breathed out heavily while taking his stroll to the mall. He had to check out a drawing pad sometimes soon, he was planning to have a special animatic kind of animation for his 4 million subscribers depicting one of his best memories.

But on the way to the electronics, he bumped into a hooded figure.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Deku apologized right away as he backed away slightly. He yelped when he fell back into an open purple portal, the hooded figure jumped into the portal as well.


"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh-oof!" Deku exclaimed falling from the portal opening onto a dingy old couch in an abandoned bar.

"Welcome Deku...," The hooded figure greeted pulling back the material to show off the light blue waves cascading down to his shoulders. "To the League of Villans."

Deku jumped up in his seat a bit to notice the figures surrounding him.

The criminal known as Kurogiri was behind the bar cleaning a wine glass. His yellow eyes like a beaming light through the purple and black mass that made up his body.

Dabi leaned back against the bar counter, staring into his soul with a curious stare. Piercing electric blue eyes shone through the shady corner he was resting in.

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