Chapter 12: peter tingle

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Toms POV
You: I love you
Y/n: what?

I coughed hmm hmm

You: I said I love you?
Y/n: you love me?

My hands began to shake, I was terrified, but, here goes nothing.

You: of course I love you y/n it's u ur the perfect girl and I fell in love with you the moment I saw you tangled up in Tessa's leash.
Y/n started to giggle this is a good sign.

He said it
What could I do 

Y/n: thank you

You: my heart sank into my stomach thank you? Thank you?
Anything else I thought

You: you're welcome

It was too soon ugh I should have known
After that I dropped y/n off at her house and she kissed me on the cheek and waved goodbye
I got home and started throwing a tantrum
Damn it tom
You idiot why did u have to tell her that it scared her off!
At this point I didn't know were I stood with y/n

You: I got home with tears in my eyes
Louis: woah hey what's wrong sis?
You: Louis

I pulled him into a very tight Hug and cried

You: it's tom
Louis: ohhh sweetie, you're pregnant

I released from the hug and looked at him with a " huh" look on my face

You: what! know we haven't even! I mean no
Louis: then what
You : he told me he loved me
Louis: that's great
You: no it's not
Louis: am I missing something don't u love him
You: yeah but I can't tell him it will ruin everything when I leave
Louis: y/n you can't keep things bottled up
You : I have to
Louis: damn it no you can't love doesn't happen often you have to tell the person every chance u get
You: I don't believe u u haven't even come out to Mum n dad yet.

Louis bit his lip

Louis: hey mum, dad
Mum: what's up?
Dad: Louis what's this about ?
Louis: I'm gay

He started to tear up

Mum&dad: awesome we still love u

We all were in a group hug at this point when it hit me I had to tell tom!

You: thanks Louis love you all bye Mum n dad be right back!

I left the house as quick as I could and ran to Toms

Toms POV:

Depressed as I was for being an idiot I remember haz was coming over tonight
The doorbell rang
It's probably Harrison

You: coming haz

I opened the door to see y/n
Before I could say anything she greeted me with a kiss.

Y/n: Thomas Stanley holland I have been in love with u since I was 5 years old
So obviously like always I win!

You: really?
Y/n: really ?

I kissed her again this time longer than the last, that depression was completely taken away as this was the happiest moment of my life.
I was in love
With my best friends sister?

Toms pov:
Harrison came over soon after that, and since y/n didn't want to catch me simpin, she left, she said she would meet me tomorrow for a date And we would go shopping for an outfit for the red carpet I was invited to by zendaya herself, y/n had no idea, so I thought it would be the perfect surprise.

Haz: so mate what did I just walk in on?
Tom: only one of the greatest moments in my young life.
Haz: how so?
You: y/n just told me she loved me
Haz: ahh good for you mate

He looks down for a bit

You: everything alright?
Haz: yeah it's just Louis
You: what about Louis
Haz: he came out to his parents and I feel I should do the same
You: why the sudden need, just because he did it?
Haz: no, because I am in love with him Tom
You: really?
Haz: yeah
You: well that's great congrats
Haz: I wish it was that simple
You: why isn't it
Haz. When I tell him, I'm worried about him saying it back
You: sorry I am confused, you love him and you are worried about him loving you too?
Haz: yes
You: why?!
Haz: because
You: because why
Haz: because in two weeks, when he leaves, it will just make it harder for me to say goodbye.

Wow, he had a point, I never thought about that, maybe that's why it took y/n so long to say it back, she was hesitating because then,when she left, what would happen to us?

Tom didn't say much for a bit, he just looked down and pondered his thoughts, I knew telling him my dilemma would put him in a predicament, because we were both in love with the y/ln and we both did not want to say good bye again.
After 3  minutes of sitting there he finally spoke

You: I'm sorry mate,

He was, he really was, but not just for me, for himself.
We said goodnight and I went home, then that was that.

Nice to see you again❤️ -Tom holland Where stories live. Discover now