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"So how do you wanna do this? I can take the floor and you can have the bed." Joe said as him and Dianne were sat in his bedroom trying to sort out the sleeping arrangements.
"No, it's your room, you can have the bed, I'll take the floor." She argued back.
"You have dance tomorrow, you take the bed."
"How about we both just take the bed. It's big enough for us to sleep in and not be on top of eachother." Dianne suggested.
"Are you sure? I will happily take the floor. Do you think the beds big enough." Joe said.
"I think you've forgotten I'm like the height of your average 11 year old, their will be more than enough room. Now I'm going into your bathroom to get changed. Let me know when I can come back in." Dianne said and walked into joes bathroom to get changed into her pjs, only coming back in when Joe shouted saying she could as he had got changed.
"Your okay with me sleeping topless right? I'll put a top on if you prefer." Joe asked
"It's fine. I've set an alarm for 6 tomorrow morning, I'm sorry if it wakes you. Would it be okay if I used your shower as soon as I get up?"
"Yeah course. And it's fine, I'll get up at the same time. Right come on, get in bed." Joe laughed.

They talked for ages about random stuff before Joe decided to bring up the Mikey situation from earlier.
"Di, just wanted to say thanks for earlier with Mikey." Joe said.
"It's fine. I don't like people being mean to people, I know how much words can effect someone." Dianne said.
"Theirs more to this than your letting on. Are you okay?" Joe asked her, Dianne looked up at him and nodded slightly. "So that's a no, what's actually up?"
"It doesn't matter, theirs more than one thing. So I won't bother you with it, let's just sleep." Dianne said rolling over and looking the other way.
"No, your telling me. Tell me the one you think I'll be able to help with the most first and then the other second. It's a judgement free zone Buzz, whatever it is, I'll do my best to help." Joe said, he grabbed diannes hand and pulled her closer to him. She rolled back over and looked at him.
"You know on my first day when we went into art. And those girls said stuff about me?" Dianne said quietly, Joe nodded. "It's not stopped."
"Oh Di, why've you not told anyone, why've you not told me?" He asked as he brought her into a hug.
"I'm new Joe, I'm new to your group, I didn't want you all to think that I can't deal with anything. I didn't want to put my problems onto all of you. I'm sorry." She said quietly.
"Dianne, you should have said something. Is it all in person or do they message you as well?" She nodded slightly. "Oh Di, I promise you, nothing that they are saying is true. We'll make it stop, I promise. Next time it happens, please tell me straight away." Joe said, he hated the fact that this was happening to his best friend, since Dianne had started at his school, the two had clicked and were very close, Joe didn't want to see anything bad happen to her.
"I will. Can we sleep now?" Dianne asked.
"You said their was more? I understand if you don't want to go into it but I'm here to listen."
"Yeah can we not, not today. I just wanna sleep Joe, but thank you. Thank you for getting me to tell you." She said. "Can I have a hug please." She asked quietly, he nodded and brought her towards his chest, holding her close. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Joe realised that Dianne had fallen asleep. Joe considered moving her but decided that he didn't want to risk waking her up so decided to leave her and let her sleep.


"What is that noise?" Joe groaned as he was woken by an alarm.
"Sorry, you slept through my first, it's 7, I'm going in an hour. I've had a shower and got changed." Dianne said from the other side of the room. She was sat on the floor wearing a pair of bright red leggings and a black leotard.
"Oh right. Let me get changed quickly." He said as he got up, grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.
"Breakfast Di? Do you wanna come down and get something." Joe asked , she nodded and they both headed downstairs trying not to wake anyone.
"Do you have any fruit? But not apples." Dianne said as they walked into the kitchen.
"Err we have strawberries and blueberries." Joe said, Dianne nodded so he got them out of the fridge and put them in a bowl for her. "Why not apples?"
"They give me the creeps abit." She said, Joe looked at her and burst out laughing.
"You know, I'm not even going to ask, I'm not too surprised." He laughed. They ate breakfast and before they knew it Mark was their to pick dianne up.

"Thank your mum for having me will you." Dianne said, despite saying she would be up, Tracey was still in bed.
"Yeah of course. Have a good dance lesson, message me later ye." Joe said, Dianne nodded and waved as she got into her dads car.

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